What it was people! I’m back with another predicament. Why have we opted to communicate through media rather that face to face? I’m aware that different types of media like texting, messaging, Twitter, MySpace, Facebook and so one allow us to communicate instantly and can make work more productive but I also feel that it has decimated the act of face-to-face communication. Today I was whispering some sweet nothings into Echo’s ear and she began to giggle which let me know that I should continue. I began to whisper something a bit more naughty then she looked at me crazy and I quickly changed the subject. We conversed for several hours after that! I could see her reactions to what I was saying and vice versa, I enjoyed talking to her and I have no doubt in my mind that she love spending the time with me. The next day she text me and I felt like the conversation was going nowhere because I missed the connection of being in her presence. She would say something funny and I would type “LOL” or “ ” like I was really paying attention, but actually I was pissed because I was missing the episode of Gray’s Anatomy that I had previously missed because I was picking out outfits for the week. I felt kinda of deceitful because I had and chose the option of creating the feelings I wanted her to feel since she couldn’t see me, but then again she could have been doing the same. I don’t know maybe people just don’t like talking to each other because they are afraid of getting their feeling hurt in person or they feel a better comfort level not having to come up with a response on the spot. People, am I the only one feeling this way??? What do you think about this? Oh yeah, Why is it that Mykal texted me “Hello, whatcha doing?
” I was sitting on the couch across from her, and there was no one around, what the hell is that!?!?!? some one let me know something…….
[Via http://narcswords.wordpress.com]
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