Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Welcome to the world of Socialonomics! (Part 1)

Gartner, in its September 2009 Hype Cycle for e-commerce mentions that blogging has reached the plateau of productivity. Social networking is just a fad for the young, and frivolous in nature. Porn is the only thing that really sells on the web.

Did you say you agreed to any or all of those statements? Think again! Check the factoids that you might want to hear:

Social Networking is critical for Retail - logos of blogspot, youtube, twitter, facebook, star, linkedin and toostep

Social Networking is critical for Retail

  • Social media has overtaken porn as #1 activity on the web. And porn as an industry (on the web) did not do that well in 2009.
  • 1 of 8 couples married in the US last year, met via social media
  • More people follow Ashton Kutcher and Ellen Degeneres than the combined population of Ireland, Norway and Panama
  • Over 200mn blogs, 54% bloggers post or tweet daily. 78% people prefer peer recommendations, than search engine results. Only 14% trust advertisements (including commercials on the telly). Most trust word of mouth!
  • 96% of Gen Y (who have internet access) use social media of some sort or the other.

    Facebook reached 100mn users in 9 months. If it were a country, it would be the 4th largest, though China’s Q-zone is larger.
  • Ipod app downloads hit 1bn in 9 months.
  • 80% of twitter usage is on mobile devices. Youtube is the 2nd largest search engine in the world.
  • 34% post opinions about products and brands35% book sales in the US are already on Kindle.
  • News is now pushed, to you. Same is about to happen to products, and brands. >1.5Mn pieces of content are shared of Facebook, daily!
Slide 4 —Social media has overtaken porn as #1 activity on the web —1 of 8 couples married in the US last year, met via social media —More people follow Ashton Kutcher and Ellen Degeneres than the combined population of Ireland, Norway and Panama —Over 200mn blogs, 54% bloggers post or tweet daily. 78% people prefer peer recommendations, than search engine results. Only 14% trust advertisements —70% of 18-34 year olds have watched TV on the web. 25% Americans said they watched a short video in the past month, on phone.

[Via http://retailmagicindia.wordpress.com]

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How to not be a facebook addict

Most people these days are completly addicted to facebook. They spend more time on faecbook than in their cars. Instead of getting your work done, you end up on facebook talking to your friends. That’s not suppose to happen. Here are some ways you can hopefully cut down on your facebook addiction:
  1. Does facebook send you emails? Turn all those emails off. Most of them are just notification’s which you can see on facebook. But once you go to check your email you get carried off into facebook. That’s exactly what facebook wants. You can turn all your email notification’s off here – Click here Be sure to un-ckeck all the boxes under the “email” column.
  2. Don’t add people you don’t know… Adding people you don’t know is just a mess. You start talking to them and it’s a waste of time. After a while they will get sick of you and start calling you words like “creeper”. It’s just not worth the waste of time.
  3. Avoid games, and 3rd party apps. The only reason those apps are there is because facebook wants you to stay on facebook as long as you can. Using apps will suck up your time before you know it.
  4. Don’t share everything on facebook! There is no point of sharing every funny video you find on facebook with your friends. After you share it, your friends may start commenting on it and that will just get you back on facebook.
  5. GET OFFLINE CHAT! Most people use people to talk to their friends. We all know how facebook IM conversation’s go right? It’s like: “Hey sup?” “Nm u?” “Just  chillin” “yup…” ….. Don’t waste your time like this.
  6. Have some self control! Time your self. Experts say you shouldn’t spend more then 1 hour a day on facebook. So time your self. If you use Firefox there is an add-on called LeechBlock which kicks you off facebook after a chosen time.
  7. If all else fails, quit facebook.

[Via http://sarcasticblogger.wordpress.com]


I really wanted to be thoughtful tonight. Tomorrow is the last day of my last March Break of high school and I am not just not really handling things too well.

I am constantly reminded of high school experiences that I have missed, people I never got to know, friends I never made. It feels silly to regret that which was never meant to occur, but at the same time, I often wonder if I could have made an effort to be more of a teenager. Less responsible, more alive. I’ve had a lot of amazing experiences throughout high school, but at times, I also feel like I missed something. Something about that quintessential high school experience which makes it high school and not just another place to be for four years.

I won’t deny it. These past for years have been crazy. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing yet, but I do think I’ll look back upon them fondly. Did I miss out on not partying as much as I could have? Maybe. Probably. Did I miss out by staying at home and being rather hermit-like? Perhaps. Potentially. Does it matter? I hope not. I’m so ready to graduate, it’s unfortunate. As Kira would say, second semester senior. SSS. We’re so ready to get out of here, a pride of lions standing in my way at the door on Commencement day wouldn’t be able to stop me.

Lady Gaga is playing and strangely enough, I don’t actually mind. I’m wearing contacts for the first time in ages and haven’t even changed out of the clothes I wore to the gym this morning. Gross, I know. I’m still ish-covered in flour, extremely thought-filled and kind of wistful. Actually, a lot of wistful.

I feel like for once in my life, I should just fall asleep on the couch and not bother with the consequences of waking up there the next morning. Or perhaps go out right now and just lie in the street for a little while, taking in the night air. Perhaps part of the reason I feel like I haven’t had the high school experience is because I haven’t really lived. I’ve been that kid who moans about work and just sits at her desk, well… distracted and only semi working. I’m the girl who stays up really late and accomplishes less than everything else. I’d rather put my time into perfecting blending skills on photoshop than finished off a chem lab. Or on facebook because finding out about how that cuba trip went is just so important? not.

It’s pretty though, isn’t it?

I don’t know. Maybe I feel like I’ve wasted away my high school years on silly things like academics, even though I don’t spend nearly as much time on that as I should. I look at some of the people I know and I wonder how they manage. I feel like right now would be the best time ever to lie in that field behind that park and just fall asleep there. No. I’m not handling this well at all. I get the strangest feelings of deja vu, because I know there will be many nights like this in the future. Early sunday mornings where I feel lost because I suddenly no longer have a purpose. I’m resigned to the fact that I’m studying for at least the next four years, if not another three years after that. But I don’t have a plan anymore. I have no expectations of myself, no idea where I want to end up with all of this.

I used to. I used to be so self assured and confident about what I wanted to do, even if the dreams I had were well beyond what was possible. I don’t have dreams right now. I have bitter reality at my fingertips. The realization that all the easy stuff has passed and now, there is actually life beyond school is a frightening reality. Furthermore, I don’t know how I’m going to do this alone… and it feels as though I’m going to be walking a very lonely road. Perhaps because I am an innately private person, or perhaps just because I am particularly good at isolating myself; yet I know that however it turns out, I will be quite alone in my journey toward where I am going.

I have often told myself solitude is probably for the best. And as for my habits, I am rather good at working alone. I like being alone. And I know myself well enough to say that people are a distraction. Not that I don’t enjoy distractions, but I do know that distractions are bad. Unless of course they are taking your mind off of dilemmas, in which case, a distraction is lovely. I could probably use a nice cute distraction just about now anyways, since I don’t particularly feel the need to continue the thought about how I am going to be alone for a nice long time.

I swear to merlin, I’m not usually this lacking in self-esteem, or that’s what it feels like right now. It just feels like I have very little to look forward to in the next couple years, or in life as a general rule. I need a dream, something that makes sense — something that gives me hope. I’m surrounded by brilliance on all four sides. My friends are people who will be successful, no matter the kinds of challenges that face them. And perhaps I will be too. Success, I know, isn’t beyond me. The question is far more interesting than the answer, however. What will I find success in? I cannot see myself being happy in a career. Careers are boring. Day-to-day jobs are boring, going out for coffee on a regular basis is boring; life is boring. Routine is useless and I find myself in one of those spinning doors with no exit. Boring. I no longer find the spin of the door fascinating; I have been observing it for too long. The people that come and go are the same all the time. The same conversations. The same motions. The same encouragements, words of advice and awkwardly phrased well-wishes. I’m so tired of people asking where I’m going for university. Everyone does it. It’s a conversation pretty much ever senior has to deal with, and it has to be the most boring conversation on the planet of the earth.

So yes, I’m bored. I’m also not ready to leave behind the people who have given me those same encouragements, and words of advice because those are the people who have lent me a shoulder to lean on when I needed it most. (Because you know, I just cry around people so often. [/sarcasm]) Holden Caulfield had a pretty interesting view on phoniness.

So it’s poignant tonight. I want my life back. I’m calling 1-800-lifebackplease and filing a complaint. I want a refund — I haven’t gotten enough out of this. When they were handing out passes for the weekend, someone skipped over my name. Not that I would trade what I have for the world, but I also would to see what would have happened. Chocolate on a motherfucking strawberry. What is it about tonight that makes me just want to run? It’s the end of a good day. I’m just confused, not appreciative enough of the people around me and obviously just being a teenage emo child. Barefoot in the shards of glass in the streets; snow barely melted and hot asphalt burning the cuts of blood.

Someone tell me, did I miss something? Through all the late nights, early mornings, caffeine runs and chocolate, kisses and hugs, vodka shots and late night tear drops, did I miss something?

[Via http://blackinkpen.wordpress.com]

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Facebook And Wall Street Still Just Dating For Now

Facebook has been a staple in social networking since it’s debut in September 2006, and because of its reign, it generates upwards of $300 million in revenue per year. Due to its ever-increasing popularity and value, its move to Wall Street appears to just be a stones-throw away.

Surprisingly, Mark Zuckerberg, the Founder and CEO of Facebook, doesn’t see a marriage anytime soon.

“We’re going to go public eventually, because that’s the contract that we have with our investors and our employees,” said Zuckerberg. “We are definitely in no rush.”

Surely any chemically balanced entrepreneur in possession of a brand worth billions would cash in their chips by publicizing shares of stock. However, friends and co-workers of the Facebook founder know that Zuckerberg not only enjoys creative and financial control, but control in general.

Unlike other technology powerhouses like Microsoft, Apple, and Google, Zuckerberg’s Facebook is much more centralized and internalized—the goal: simply making Facebook the best possible social networking website possible. There are no warehouses, gadgets, or even competition (no, not even Twitter). Of course he’s in it for the money, but in his mind, he’s dealing with a very personal product.

Zuckerberg has built Facebook into what it has become, and he is rightfully fearful of the hypothetical direction Facebook may take once it falls into the hands of millions of public investors. Will those investors care more about the quick money in their pockets, or boasting more than ten billion tweets?

[Via http://benberkon.wordpress.com]

Why does a bully 'friend' you?

Why does a bully ‘friend’ you? Why would mine ‘friend’ me?

Maybe it is Karma?  In high school, I ended up being an aggressive person. I ended up picking on some people too. I hate that I did it. There are a few people I know I picked on.  Should I seek them out and try to talk to them?  It is likely I would get a similar response to how I feel right now. Guarded, unsure, a little displeased. 

 I think some of the people I picked on, picked on me back.  Others, I am not sure. A lot of the people I picked were people  who tormented me. Others, I am not sure.  I regret that I ever did pick on anyone.  Looking back, I know it was an attempt to deflect some of the abuse I was getting. 

I know it is no excuse.  I have thought about contacting a few people, but I do not know if they would appreciate it.  I do not know if I do. Especially because I do not know what this person wants.

I have about five people in my graduating class on my Facebook page. A few of them I am not sure I remember.  Two of them were not nice to me.  I accepted their friend requests, with reservation.  One, I may have been not nice to but I don’t think so.  The other two, I am pretty sure I had no real contact with, but  I could be wrong. 

When I started this blog, I did place an apology in my status to anyone I may have bullied just because I wasn’t sure.  Maybe I should seek out the others. It is likely they would feel the same way I do right now.  How great would that be?  At least I would place a message with the ‘friend’ request stating my purpose.

I do believe that high school was a horrible time for many people, and I think that memories and perspective change.

I never have asked for an apology, nor do I need one.  We were kids after all. I just wish that I didn’t have to go through nearly as much of that as I did. And I don’t want my children to go through it at all. I don’t think it is a requisite part of growing up.   And I don’t think that all victims feel the same.  

 What do you think? Should I seek out people I may have bullied or picked on?    I would love to know. If you don’t want to leave a comment here you can always email kindergartenbully@att.net .

[Via http://acceptanceinschools.wordpress.com]

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Facebook and the Shepherd's Dilemma

So here’s the clunker dilemma of my week: When student leaders post foul language or snarky comments on Facebook, how does the responsible pastor, shepherd, or mentor respond? I don’t see it as productive to be a morals cop busting students when they run afoul. But, I don’t think I’m doing students–especially those marked for leadership–any favors by letting run off like they were unnoticed. Any best practices?

Mark 7:15 has been a good re-director in some cases…

Nothing outside a man can make him ‘unclean’ by going into him. Rather, it is what comes out of a man that makes him ‘unclean’.

I just don’t know where and when are the proper places to step in. I don’t want students to be afraid to be my FB friends because I’m constantly commenting on behavior. But I’m being a pretty poor mentor if I don’t address some cases. What have other people found that works best?

[Via http://couchradical.wordpress.com]

-Kepribadian Manusia Menurut Status FACEBOOK-

kalian tergolong yang mana? atau nggak tergolong tipe mana pun?


Kapan pun dan di mana pun selalu update status. Statusnya tidak terlalu panjang tapi bikin risih, karena hal-hal yang tidak terlalu penting juga dipublikasikan. Contoh : “Lagi makan di restoran A…”, “Dalam perjalanan menuju neraka…”, “Saatnya baca koran…”, de es be.


Biasanya selalu curhat di status. Entah karena ingin banyak diberi komentar dari teman-temannya atau hanya sekedar menuangkan unek-uneknya ke facebook. Biasanya orang tipe ini menceritakan kisahnya dan terkadang menanyakan solusi yang terbaik kepada yang lain. Contoh : “Kamu sakitin aku…lebih baik aku cari yang lain…”, “Cuma kamu yang terbaik buat aku…terima kasih kamu sudah sayang ama aku selama ini…”, atau “Aku kangen kangen kangen kangeeeeeeeeeeeeenn banget sama kamu, chyayank. Kamu kok nggak telefon aku sih malam ini?”….GUBRAK!!!


Pagi, siang, malem semuanya selalu ada aja yang dikeluhkan. Contoh : “Jakarta maceeeeet!!! Panas pula…”, “Aaaaaarggg hujan, padahal baru nyuci mobil….hhuuh!!!” atau “Males ngapa-ngapain…cape hati gara-gara dia…” de es be.


Mungkin beberapa dari mereka gak berniat menyombongkan diri. Tapi terkadang orang yang melihatnya, yang tidak bisa seberuntung dia, merasa kalau statusnya itu kelewat sombong, dan malah bikin sebel. Contoh : “OTW ke PARIS….!!”, “BMW ku sayang, saatnya kamu mandi…Aku mandiin ya sayang…” atau “Duh, murah-murah banget belanja di Singapore, bow.”


Dari judulnya udah jelas. Statusnya selalu diisi dengan kata-kata mutiara, tapi gak jelas apa maksudnya. Bikin kita terharu? Bikin kita sadar atas pesan tersembunyinya? Atau cuma sekadar memancing komentar? Sampai saat ini, tipe orang seperti ini masih dipertanyakan. Contoh : “Kita masing-masing adalah malaikat bersayap satu. Dan hanya bisa terbang bila saling berpelukan”, “Mencintai dan dicintai adalah seperti merasakan sinar matahari dari kedua sisi”, “Jika kau hidup sampai seratus tahun, aku ingin hidup seratus tahun kurang sehari, agar aku tidak pernah hidup tanpamu.” Capek deeeeeeehh!!


Tipe manusianya bisa seperti apa saja, apakah melankolis, puitis, sombong, de es be. Tapi dia berusaha lebih keren dengan mengatakannya dalam bahasa inggwis gicyu low! Contoh : “Tie and chair…”, “I can tooth, you pink sun…” etc, etc.


Updatenya selalu bertema “GAUL” dengan menggunakan bahasa dewa… Ejaan Yang DiLEBAYkan… . Contoh : “Met moulnin all…pagiieh yg cewrah… XIXIIXI” Oh oh ohohohohoho…!!!


Mengharap tapi gak kesampaian, pengin jadi artis gak dapat-dapat. Contoh : “Duwh…sesi pemotretan lagi! Capek…”


Sotoy tenarnya. Padahal dia sendiri tidak tahu apa yang ditulisnya. Contoh : “Pemerintah selalu memanjakan rakyatnya…bla….bla….bla.”


Update film yang abis ditonton dan kasih comment.. Contoh : “ICE AGE 3…RECOMENNENDED!!”, “TRANSFORMERS 2 mantab euy…”


Contoh : “Jual sepatu bla bla bla.”


Contoh : “Jangan lupa datang ke TPS, 5 menit untuk 5 tahun!!” Santai, Jack.


Ada berbagai macam versi, dari tulisannya yang aneh, atau tulisannya biasa aja, hanya saja kosa katanya gak laziim seperti bahasa alien. Contoh :



Alay 3 : “OUH MY 9OD..!! KYKNY4W C GW K3RENZ 48EESH D3CH…!!! (khusus buat tipe ini, gak usah dibaca juga gak apa-apa. Aku juga mikir dulu buat nulis ini, walaupun jadinya kurang mirip sama yang aslinya).


Tipe ini biasanya tidak to the point, tapi tentunya punya niat biar orang yang dituju membacanya. (Bagus kalo baca…kalo nggak? Kelamaan nunggu) Padahal kan bisa langsung aja sms ya. Contoh :

“FOR YOU MY M***, I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT YOU…YOU ARE MY BLA BLA BLA…”, “HEH, CEWEK KURANG AJAR…NGAPAIN LOE DEKET-DEKETIN COWOK GUE?! KAYAK GAK LAKU AJA LOE.” (Padahal cewek tersebut tidak ada dalam jaringannya. Mana bisa baca??)


Tipe yang biasanya bikin banyak orang bertanya-tanya atas apa maksud dari status orang tersebut. Biasanya dalam suatu kalimat membutuhkan subjek + predikat + objek + keterangan. Tapi orang tipe ini mungkin hanya mengambil beberapa atau malah hanya 1 saja…dan pastinya mengundang kontroversi. Contoh : “SUDAHLAH…”, “TELAH BERAKHIR…” (apanya???), “TERMENUNG…” (so what gitu looh!!)

source:teen magazine 179’s bonus

[Via http://numzwizzle.wordpress.com]