Found at Social Media Today | Why I no longer do Free in my business.
I was in a conversation the other day with Miles Austin and he said the following quote: “Inform for free, how to for a fee.” Chris Brogan recently wrote a post on price points, and essentially pointed out that if you wanted his time you had to pay him what it was worth. Good point. The more you give away your services, the more you undervalue them, and the more people will take advantage of you. That’s what I’ve learned from the past year. And when people balk at paying my prices, it means they aren’t my clients, and if I try and take them on, I’ll be wasting my time chasing them.
To be continued at http://socialmediatoday.com/SMC/179749?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Social+Media+Today+(all+posts)
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- 5 Lessons for Bloggers From Chris Brogan’s Presentation to Dallas Social Media Club (fredzimny.wordpress.com)
- The Social Media Shamless Blogpost For March 2010 (newmediachatter.com)
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[Via http://fredzimny.wordpress.com]
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