Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to steal your girlfriend’s password to facebook / MSN / e-mail (guide)

With this program everything is possible, from getting a password to any community site, e-mail or forums and seeing all chat logs or messages – to recording microphone sounds (cybersex or the chat with another person and even webcam activity! (Both the own persons and a possible strangers webcam if he/she is watching naked teenagers behind your back). And best of all: you will have PROOF of what you have seen, which you obviously wont if you just suspect something without this program.

For all those people who want to find out if your partner is cheating or the password to your partner’s facebook/myspace/e-mail/msn and other. Or if you are a parent worrying about what your kid might be doing at the computer behind closed doors.

Business going bad? Time to check up on your employees surfing habits. But how to do this, without getting caught trying to get some information?

Keep reading, I have the solution for all of you people.
I chose to introduce you to a keylogging/surveillance program after finally finding the tool that will give myself some answers to questions regarding my own relationship. I have searched for quite a long time and thought that there just aren’t any effective programs out there yet. But I found out that there is, it’s called All In One Keylogger, I gave it a try and I was honestly said frightened about the information it is able to collect, it will give you the answers to all your questions and suspiciousness.

The program fits for:

a) People in a relationship
b) Business administration, finding out what your employees do when they “work”
c) Parents who want to keep track of their kids.

From their homepage you can read about the futures of All In One Keylogger, as I find it a bit pointless to copy paste whole production info page. Don’t be scared off by the word keylogger, YOU are the master of the program, only you will ever have control of the logs, pictures and audio that it monitors. Below is a lot of information about the features and what the program does, I recommend to read it in order to get a idea about the program.

Product Website:


I chose to speak more about my personal experiences of the program instead of talking about all the futures, those can all be found by following the link above to the product site.

What does All In One Keylogger do?

All In One Keylogger logs all keystrokes and passwords that have been typed into crypted files on your computer, it tracks all windows and applications that have been launched, clipboard, chat conversations (sent and received), all Web sites that have been visited, e-mails sent and received.

You can set it to take screen snapshots every few seconds or on each mouse click, just like a surveillance camera. It can also record Microphone sounds and restrict the access to specified Web sites and applications if wanted. It can even be set up to send these logs to your e-mail or FTP for tracking when you are away!

Personally I hate it the times I get the feeling in my stomach that something might be going on when I’m away from my partner, this is the solution to get rid of the paranoia, or to get proof for your suspicions. It snaps up all usernames and passwords into the very easily readable log viewer supported in the All In One Keylogger program. And maybe even more importantly you can set it up to take screen snapshots every few seconds and view the pictures later. I chose to divide the potential usage areas into different categories, you might wonder what the All In One Keylogger could be good for, I’ll tell you.

In the survey that took place in United States in the year of 2005 which includes married couples only, 56% of the participants of the survey said that during their marriage they had at least one sexual encounter with a person that is not their spouse. Are you living in a relationship and suspect that your partner is cheating on you, or doing other stuff he/she shouldn’t be doing on your/her computer (flirting harshly on community sites, MSN messenger contacts, webcam usage, microphone usage or visiting sites that are uncomfortable in a relationship.. the list goes on.

This is where All In One Keylogger can be there to save you from wasting time on your relationship, you wonder what your partner does when he/she is on the computer and you are away or working night shift. Well there is no reason to keep wondering and being paranoid about what she might be doing, you can find it out directly by downloading the trial version straight away (it is amazingly easy to set up, and the best part is that it is totally undetectable/invisible in windows, so no one can find out it’s installed and running.. read more on product site for more detailed info).

 It basically records all keystrokes, and shows in which program the text has been typed in, stores visited sites and you can set it up to take a picture of the screen for example every 10 seconds!

In the survey that took place in Britain in the year 2006, 87% of the employees participating in the survey said that they surf on the internet during their work at least once a week. 73% of them said that they surf at least once a day. 23% of them said that they dedicate more time to surfing on the internet than to their work! In the additional survey that took place in the same year answered 36% of the employers, participants of the survey mentioned that they are afraid that secrets of the company will be sent to their competitors from the company computers by their employees. 4% announced that they fell victim to the theft of company secrets by their workers from the company computers.

Are you running a small sized company, and wonder why you aren’t getting as much work done as you should be getting. Well the solution is here, with All In One Keylogger you can make sure who are actually working and who are not. The result can be scary, you might find out that the employee is actually playing online poker half day or such, no wonder that the results aren’t so promising. There are a lot of people who don’t care as long as their getting paid, so they will just entertain themselves in some way instead of actually working.

Download trial (7 days free):

Today, almost every child has access to internet. This comes thanks to the advance in technology, but has also risks involved. Did you know that: The average age when the children encounter pornography in the internet is 11? The age of the largest pornography consumer group in the internet is between 12 to 17? 85% of children between the ages 6-16 encountered pornographic content intentionally or unintentionally (most of them while preparing their homework). 25% of children between ages 9-17 will freely disclose their home address in the internet? 60% of children who committed suicide, declared their intentions online directly or indirectly? One in five children who use the computer chat rooms has been approached over the internet by pedophiles? Only 25% of youth who received sexual solicitation told a parent.

The children today are very sophisticated and most of us parents don’t have the knowledge to know what they are doing behind their closed doors in front of the computer. Are they browsing to inappropriate websites, are they downloading illegal content using P2P programs that will in the future result in lawsuits of thousands of dollars? What personal information they disclose about themselves, are they talking to adults, or maybe they meet them?

All In One Keylogger has many features:

No activity on your computer will be able to evade this high quality Keylogger. Does your kid make secret chat conversations with adult strangers? Maybe even with a pedophile that searches for his next victim? Does he surf to pornographic sites? Maybe he even exposes his personal details where he is not supposed to? Does he use P2P programs, sharing copyrighted materials which could constitute a pretext to a lawsuit of tens thousands of dollars? Have you ever wondered why does your husband “work” on his computer so late at the night? Does he have a secret online lover?Have you ever wondered who is your wife’s “partner” she talks with all the time? Do your employees surf on the internet instead of doing their work which you pay them for? Do they sell company secretes to your competitors? A high quality Keylogger should give you the answers to all these questions. No activity will be able to evade from it. No undesirable activity will be able to evade from you! As said, a high quality Keylogger is an “All In One Keylogger”, so just press this link to download “All In One Keylogger”:

Download trial (7 days free):

Link for buying full version:

With this program everything is possible, from getting a password to any community site, e-mail or forums and seeing all chat logs or messages – to recording microphone sounds (cybersex or the chat with another person and even webcam activity! (Both the own persons and a possible strangers webcam if he/she is watching naked teenagers behind your back). And best of all: you will have PROOF of what you have seen, which you obviously wont if you just suspect something without this program.

I tried to bring up the most important things in this article, but there sure is more to read if you still aren’t sure, simply visit the links provided and read more about people who have bought the product or view the awards that the product has received. Everyone has different use or needs of the program, and it sure was a relief to my head after finally getting answer to my questions using this brilliant program.

sejarah facebook

Sekarang bukan jamannnya FRIENDSTER apalagi Mailinglist. Ada orang muda berumur 23 tahun menjadi trilyuner berkat internetan.Kekayaannya sekarang mencapai $ 1, 5 Billion atau sekitar Rp 13,95 triliun, atau Rp. 13.950.000.000.000,00….HMMM banyak ya uang na, kalah deh gaji presiden…hohoho Berkat hobinya internetan dia menelorkan ide kreatif nya dengan membuat situs Facebook yaitu social-networking semacam Friendster. Heran juga sih ketika kita yang udah punya domain dot com tapi masih berkutat di google adsense sementara banyak banget ide2 kreatif yang bisa di gali untuk meningkatkan pendapatan. Yang lebih mengagumkan adalah Facebook mulai dirintis tahun 2004 jadi gak terlalu lama untuk berkembang sedemikian dahsyatnya. Jadi bagi kita kayaknya belum ketinggalan banget untuk memulai sebuah dot com yang prospeknya cerah itu. Nama Anak muda itu adalah Mark Zuckerberg. Adapaun perkembangan riwayat Facebook hingga mencapai 60 juta pengguna aktif diawali dari kreatifitas Mark Zuckerberg saat kuliah di Harvard. Berikut rangkuman perjalanan lahirnya Facebook hingga sekarang

-Mark Elliot Zuckerberg atau Mark Zuckerberg lahir lahir pada 14 Mei 1984 di Dobbs Ferry, Westchester County, New York, Amerika Serikat (AS)

- Dia suka menyibukkan diri dengan mengutak-atik peralatan elektronik atau program komputer. Pada saat itu, dia bersekolah di Exeter High School, New Hampshire. Di bangku sekolah itulah dia pertama kali berkenalan dengan Adam D’Angelo, yang di kemudian hari menjadi Chief of Technical Officer atau salah satu Direktur Facebook.

- Zuckerberg dan D’Angelo pernah membuat piranti lunak pemutar musik MP3 yang mampu mendeteksi perilaku dan kebiasaan mendengarkan musik penggunanya dan pernah mau dibeli oleh Synapse tapi ditolak oleh mereka.

- Zuckerberg lulus dan masuk Harvard University, awalnya membuat program Coursematch yang memungkinkan mahasiswa di kelas yang sama bisa melihat daftar teman-teman sekelas.

- Proyek selanjutnya membuat Ini merupakan situs pemeringkatan foto-foto mahasiswa di Harvard. Para pengunjung bisa memberi stempel “keren” atau “jelek” foto seorang siswa, dan membuat Zuckerberg beken di kampus dan dipanggil oleh Badan Administrasi Universitas Harvard karena dianggap membobol sistem keamanan komputer kampus, melanggar peraturan privasi di internet, dan melanggar hak cipta.

-Karena itu mahasiswa bandel ini malah bikin Facebook dan diluncurkannya pada tahun 2004. Karena kebekenannya itu dalam waktu singkat duapertiga mahasiswa Harvard jadi pengguna Facebook.

- Teman sekamarnya, Dustin Moskovitz dan Chris Hugh, dberhasil mengembangkan sayap ke Universitas Stanford, Columbia, Yale, Ivy College, dan beberapa sekolah lainnya di wilayah Boston. Dalam waktu singkat, mereka meluncurkan Facebook ke 30 sekolah.

- Zuckerberg bersama Moskovitz dan beberapa teman lain pindah ke Palo Alto, California, liburan musim panas 2004 menyewa rumah kecil buat kantor, ceritanya mereka berlibur sambil kerja eh malah keterusan ngerjain facebok, gitu deh kalo dah dapet duit, dan gak balik ke Harvard, putus sekolah meninggalkan kuliah.

-Di kantornya itulah Zuckerberg bertemu Peter Thiel, pendiri Paypal, yang ngasih dana segar sebesar US$ 500.000 ,merupakan investor pertama mereka, sesama programmer saling membantu kali, sehingga mereka bisa pindah ke kantor yang lebih besar di di Universitas Avenue yang dinamai sebagai kantor “Kampus Urban”

- pada September 2004, Divya Narendra, Cameron Winklevoss, dan Tyler Winklevoss, pemilik situs jejaring sosial HarvardConnection menggugat Facebook. Mereka menuding Zuckerberg telah memakai kode program yang sudah disiapkan untuk situs yang kemudian bernama Uconnect itu, secara ilegal.

- di akhir 2004, pengguna Facebook telah melampaui angka satu juta

- Pada Mei 2005, dia menggandeng Accel Partners. Accel mengucurkan dana US$ 12,8 juta untuk Facebook.

- pada 23 Agustus 2005 Zuckerberg membeli domain dari Aboutface Corporation senilai US$ 200.000 atau sekitar Rp 1,86 miliar. Setelah itu, dia membenahi situs Facebook agar profil halamannya lebih bersahabat.

- Pada 2 September 2005, Zuckerberg meluncurkan situs Facebook khusus untuk anak-anak sekolah menengah atas. Hanya dalam waktu 15 hari sejak peluncurannya, sebagian besar sekolah di AS sudah menjadi anggotanya.

- pada akhir tahun 2005, Facebook telah mencakup sekitar 2.000 kampus dan 25.000 sekolah menengah atas di AS, Kanada, Inggris, Meksiko, Puerto Riko, Australia, Selandia Baru, dan Irlandia.

- Pada 27 Februari 2006, dia mulai mengizinkan para mahasiswa yang menjadi pengguna situs ini untuk menambahkan siswa-siswa SMA sebagai temannya. Bayangin aja gimana gak tambah rame nih situs

- BusinessWeek, melansir kabar bahwa Zuckerberg tengah bernegosiasi dengan calon pembeli potensial Facebook. Tapi, akhirnya, dia menolak tawaran yang disebut-sebut bernilai US$ 750 juta atau sekitar Rp 6,97 triliun. Pasalnya, Zuckerberg menganggap harga itu terlalu murah. Saat itu, dia memperkirakan nilai Facebook US$ 2 miliar.

- Pada April 2006, investor pertama situs ini, yaitu Peter Thiel, Greylock Partners, dan Meritech Capital Partners, menambah investasi di Facebook dengan menyetorkan dana US$ 25 juta. Facebook pun masuk ke India melalui Institut Teknologi India dan Institut Manajemen India. Dua bulan berselang, Facebook terpaksa mengeluarkan duit US$ 100.000 untuk menyelesaikan masalah hak cipta dengan

- Pada Juli 2006, Facebook memperkenalkan layanan baru yang bisa memberikan pendapatan tambahan bagi perusahaan. Dengan menggandeng raksasa komputer, Apple Inc., mereka bekerja sama mempromosikan iTunes. Setiap pekan, iTunes bakal mengirimkan 25 contoh lagu secara gratis kepada pengguna Facebook yang menjadi anggota Apple Student Group.

- pada pertengahan 2006, situs ini sudah merambah Eropa dan Timur Tengah

- Facebook Notes. Fitur baru ini merupakan fitur blogging yang memungkinkan pengguna memberikan tagging, memasukkan gambar, dan fitur-fitur lainnya. Selain itu, pengguna bisa mengimpor blog dari situs Xanga, LiveJournal, Blogger, dan situs blogging lainnya. Berkat fitur baru tersebut, pembaca bisa memberikan komentar terhadap tulisan yang dimuat pengguna Facebook.

- September 2006, Zuckerberg membuka layanan Facebook bagi semua pengguna internet. Namun, langkah ini justru menuai protes dari para pengguna dan pelanggan setianya. Alhasil, dua minggu berselang Facebook terpaksa membenahi layanan baru itu dengan membuka pendaftaran bagi pengguna internet yang mempunyai alamat surat atau e-mail yang jelas.

- Yahoo! mengajukan tawaran akuisisi senilai US$ 1 miliar. Namun, belakangan rencana itu batal terealisasi karena kinerja keuangan Yahoo! di penghujung 2006 anjlok.

- Peter Thiel, memprediksi pendapatan situs ini pada 2015 nanti bisa mencapai US$ 1 miliar. Nah, pada saat itu, nilai perusahaan pun bakal ikut meroket menjadi sekitar US$ 8 miliar.

-iklan baris gratis di Facebook. Fitur yang diberi nama Facebook Marketplace ini diluncurkan pada 14 Mei 2007. Layanan baru ini pun langsung menjadi pesaing perusahaan-perusahaan online lain. Craigslist yang sudah lebih dulu menempatkan iklan baris di situsnya. Bisnis Zuckerberg pun kian mengalir lancar. Bahkan, Apple rela memperpanjang kerja sama dengan Facebook untuk memajang contoh musik iTunes

- Facebook membeli perusahaan Parakey Inc., dari Blake Ross dan Joe Hewitt, pada Juli 2007. Parakey adalah produsen aplikasi komputer yang mempermudah transfer data berupa tulisan, gambar, dan video ke sebuah situs di internet.

- Gideon Yu, mantan Direktur Keuangan You Tube, menjadi Direktur Keuangan Facebook.

- Bill Gates, pada Oktober 2007 membeli 1,6% saham Facebook seharga US$ 240 juta. Pasalnya, Zuckerberg tidak berniat menjual semua saham Facebook sekaligus. Alasannya sederhana dan sungguh mulia, dia ingin Facebook tetap independen.

- Pada 7 November 2007, situs ini meluncurkan layanan terbaru berupa pemasangan iklan dengan sistem yang disebut Facebook Beacon.

- triliuner Hongkong, Li Ka-shing, tertarik untuk menanamkan duit senilai US$ 60 juta di Facebook pada 30 November 2007.

- sekitar 60 juta pengguna aktif pada akhir tahun lalu. Jumlah pegawainya sendiri telah mencapai 400 orang. Namun, Facebook adalah perusahaan unik. para eksekutif dan petingginya masih berusia muda, antara 24 tahun-37 tahun.

- Markas besar Facebook lebih mirip asrama mahasiswa.Para pegawai, yang setiap hari mendapat jatah makan gratis, bekerja sambil melakukan kegiatan favoritnya. Ada yang bermain gitar, bersepeda, main pesawat kontrol, atau bergoyang ditemani musik racikan seorang disc jockey (DJ). Mereka juga tak perlu berpakaian rapi. Celana pendek dan sandal jepit adalah kostum favorit mereka di kantor. Zuckerberg mengaku ogah suasana kantor yang terlalu formal.

- Meski sudah mampu menghimpun harta kekayaan hingga US$ 3 miliar atau sekitar Rp 27,9 triliun Zuckerberg tetap tampil apa adanya, seperti pemuda kebanyakan yang menggemari pakaian santai. Dia juga masih tinggal di apartemen tipe studio dengan perabotan seadanya: selembar kasur yang diletakkan begitu saja di atas lantai dan dua buah kursi.

- para analis memperkirakan nilai perusahaan Facebook sudah melonjak jadi US$ 15 miliar. Zuckerberg belum tertarik menjual sahamnya di lantai bursa.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Facebook Event and Musicians!

Hey folks, just a quick note to let you know that a Facebook Event has been created for Purrcasso. Feel free to respond if you are coming and send it out to any of your friends that might be interested. (Especially those art collector types!)

Also, we are looking for a musician/trio/band to play at Saturday night’s auction. Ideally we are looking for some sort of violin player, or jazz trio or something similar appropriate for an art opening. If you live in the Bay Area and are interested or know someone who would be, please contact Bill Robinson.

komente mbi martesen e nje Serbi me nje vajz Shqiptare

Bruna Hasmuca  NO COMENT ….

  Leonora Memia Nuk e mora vesh pse ketyre pilivesave nuk ju pelqejne djemte shqiptare   Bruna Hasmuca  hahahha   Alma Shebeku do ishte bukur nese ne keto lidhie do te kishte dashuri …po zhdo gje behet per interes …me keq se ne pasar …   Sanjela Kurti  shiko nuk eshte per t’u cuditur,pasi femrat serbe jan te gjitha ne Shqiperi me pune dhe dihet se cfare punesh bejne duke filluar nga striptiza etj etj… Dhe nuk ka mbetur kembe femre ne serbi lol   Alona Eltari   turp i zotit…. !!!   Anila Kadija  Uaaaa na çudite!   Bajrak WordPress  ky eshte realiteti…. dashuria nuk ben dallime   Arben Piperku  Njëherë i tolerova vetes një gabim, i besova një Sërbi… BAJRONI   Alma Shebeku nuk e di nese e ke degjuar mire biseden e vajzez…(nuk thot dashuria nuk ka dallime feje o rrace… thot per mua eshte njelloi shqiptar apo jo e rendesishme eshte te martohem …)per djalin e ajo qe ka rendesi eshte nje vajz qe ti laj ,gatuaj ,dhe ti fabrikoj femi…etjera…ma fatemi il favore, e vita quella?senza uno scopo nella societa senza ideali senza…   Leonora Memia duhet te hapet ne Shqiperi nje agjensi martesash qe ti martoje ato te shkretat vajza te fshatrave te Shkodres,pasi qenka bere puna keq atje per burra
dhe duhet t’ju mberrije lajmi nqs kane akoma televizor se veriu shqiperia e mesme dhe ajo e jugut kane meshkuj qe duan te krijojne familje te shendetshme   Azbi Kapo  Eshte vertet per te ardhur keq,por edhe turp,n.q.s jane te verteta keto qe thuhen.   Mira Mullici Ndjehem keq dhe me vjen turp tek degjoj gjera te tilla qe ndodhin me vajzat shqiptare . Do ju thoja atyre fatzezave qe pranuan nje kontrate te tille , te kerkonin zemeren dhe mendjen e tyre diku thelle ne shpirt pastaj te mendonin per te vendosur per gjera te tilla .   Bajrak WordPress mmmmmm, tema eshte e thelle dhe nuk komentohet lehte.
rrolin kryesor e loz shoqeria ku jeton, eshte e pa mundur sepse shoqeria i adreson ashtu. negative eshte edhe fakti qe 14 vjeçart pine cigare ose veshin minifuna te tepruar ne shume qytete shqiptare por per ket nuk skandalizoheni.
persa i perket videos me mbetet tè uroj mire çiftit dhe shikoj nje hap te mire per mos tu urryer mes popujve.
persa u perket prinderve duhet te ndihmojne femijen ne zgjedhjet e jetes dhe asnjeher ta detyrojne.
eshte edhe nje faktor tjeter sepse neve na imigrojne meshkujt dhe vajzave u bie probabiliteti per tu martuar….   me shpres qe komenti im t’ju vije bashke me mendimin qe une deshiroj te percjell ju uroj replikime te kendeshme.

  Mira Mullici Eshte e vertete qe tema eshte e thelle dhe qe eshte e veshtire per tu komentuar por perpara nje turpi te tille nuk rrin dot pa folur e kundershtuar .
Gjate videos vura re 4 elemente qe ishin perfshire ne kete kontrate qe ishin : vajza , djali , familja e vajzes dhe ” sekseri ” . Sipas meje kjo kontrate kishte keto interesa dhe kushte : 1. vajza , martohej me nje serb sepse ishin dakort babi dhe mami dhe mendonte se me mire atje nje serb sesa nje shqiptare si ka ardhur koha . 2. djali , martohej sepse kerkonte nje vajze te ndershme dhe familjare . 3. familja e vajzes e martonte vajzen me serb sepse mendonte se po e rehatonte te bijen dhe 4. sekseri normal se po perfitonte nga kjo lidhje te mira ekonomike .
Ne kete lidhje martesore qe une vazhdoj ta quaj kontrate te turpshme nuk shikoj DASHURI askund tek asnjeri prej ketyre elementeve qe permenda me larte , dhe nese nuk ka dashuri martesa nuk ka sesi te kurorezohet me lumturi .
Vajza po martohej me serbin sepse nder arsyet e tjera ishte se edhe qe djemte serb ajo i vleresonte me shume se shqiptaret …. APSURDE …. djali serb martohej me vajzen shqiptare sepse mendon se po mer nje grua per shtepi , nje grua qe do ti bej e rrise femije dhe mbi te gjitha nje grua te bindur ndaj tij . . . APSURDE . . . A eshte e drejte kjo ?
Ku jane djemte shqiptare qe nuk prezantojne vlerat e tyre ? …
……? …….. ? ………. ?
Mua perseri me duket nje kontrate e turpshme ne interes te Serbise Sllave dhe ne humbje te shqipetareve qe po e lejojne te ndodhe kjo gje .
Une nuk jam per te ushqyer urrejtje ndaj popujve por mirkuptim dhe dashuri mes tyre , gje te cilen ne lidhje me serbet nuk po e shikoj as ne kete rast . ME ARMIKUN NUK HAHET , NUK PIHET DHE AS NUK FLIHET …………
MJERE JU QE PO E BENI ………..   Bajrak WordPress me ndihmoni qe tu pergjigjem ketyre pyetjeve….please




  Bajrak WordPress aiiiaaaiiiiaaaaa….. nuk kam ku te shkoj pa u pergjigjur sepse pyetjet presin pergjigjie dhe nuk e ka zakon ti leje temat pergjysem.

eshte shume pozitive kur te preferon (armiku).

persa i perket marteses me (sekser) nuk jame shume kundra sepse edhe prinderit e mi jane martuar me “shkusi” dhe sot jane çifti me i lumtur ne bote (kjo nuk do thote qe shkon mire si metod ne te gjitha vendet dhe koherat) ne rastin e videos duhen pare te gjitha rrethanat per ta vlersuar mire….

me kap fjale e nderuar Mira, une te kuptoj aq shume ty sepse ti deshiron te zgjosh ne te mire vajzat dhe gruan shqiptare, dhe ky ideal i bashkon arsytimet tona.

meqe kendveshtrimet jane te ndryshme nese ky çift dote ndahet apo nuk do te shkoje mire ke te drejte TI, meqe une uroj qe njerzit te bashkohen edhe t’ja kalojne ne harmoni, dhe nese do jete keshtu do te preferohet kendveshtrimi IM.
une nisem me idene qe lidhja martesore eshte nje gje shume personale ku kush nuk ben pjes nuk arrin te kuptoje mire realitetin e ketij bashkomi.

Jame plotesisht dakort me ty qe martesa nuk duhet te jete nje kontrat per arsyjet qe ti din me mire se une.
martesa = “affectus” per te bashkjetuar

(ketu mungon komenti i njeres me emrin Nusrete e cila kishte thene: meqe e mendon keshtu po te fshij nga shoket e facebukut)   Mira Mullici Pershendetje e nderuara Nusrete !
Miqte qe kemi ketu ne fb jane te nje natyre te vecante , me karaktere dhe temperamente te ndryshme qe normal qe do te pasqyrojne mendime te kunderta me tonat por kjo nuk do te thote qe kur ne kemi nje mendim , kendveshtrim ose pikpapje te ndryshme per ate cka ndodh ti heqim nga lista e miqve tane .
Miku per mua eshte mik ne te mire e ne te keq , ne aprovim dhe ne kundershtim . Gjithmone i kundershtoj miqte e mi kur kam mendime te kunderta me ta , gjithmone rebelohem , gjithmone jua ngrej zerin por kurre nuk i aprovoj kur mendoj se e kan gabim dhe e bej kete sepse i dua dhe nuk dua qe njerezit qe une dua te shikoj me pas qe kane gabuar diku .Do te ndjehesha fajtore nese do te kisha pasur mundesine dhe sdo tia kisha thene gabimin qe po bente .
Me pjesen tjeter te njerezve qe une i konsideroj si te njohurit mi nuk i kundershtoj sepse nuk me intereson te krijoj keqkuptime me ta edhe nese jua them mendimin tim te kundert e bej ne menyren me te mire e me te embel te mundeshme , sepse nuk me intereson te kem konflikte me njerezit qe njoh .
Me pjesen tjeter te njerezve qe une i konsideroj si armiqte e mi krijoj nje ” KUFI ” duke ju bere te ditur kushtet dhe mundesite qe kane deri ne piken te quajtur kufi dhe me pas ” stop “, dhe gjithmone jam ne gatshme te mbrohem ndaj tyre ….
Fola shume e dashur dhe per kete te kerkoj ndjese , por nuk mundem te rri pa te thene edhe dicka te fundit ; ne njeri -tjeterin nuk duhet ta perjashtojme por ta sensibilizojme , nuk duhet ta aprovojme ne gabime por ta kundershtojme , nuk duhet te vendosim kufinje mes njeri-tjeterit por ti tregojme rrugetnjeri – tjeterit per te kaluar pengesat e veshtiresite qe do te na dergojne drejt mirekuptimit shoqeror .
Ju falenderoj per mirekuptimin !   Shpresa Ime Nje Shqipetare me i keq qe egziston ne rruzzulin tokesor vlen me shume se e tere Serbia me te gjithe rrenjen esaj nga karpatet …. ne komentin tuaj Z>Bajrak se dashuria nuk ben dallime eshte me se e vertet dhe mundet te ndodhe nje rast ne 100 milion e jo te krijohen agjenci te tilla….. dhe te perbuzen cunat Shqiptare ku edhe ju beni pjese…… kjo eshte e tera nga edukata baze primare si i rrisin femijte ..edhe qajne nga gezimi se vajza u paska gjet fatin…. o perendi cfar nuk mban kjo toke …. me duket tesnisonie e kam 1200 /800 .. .Marre..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Farmvilladas: O FARMVILLE devia ter este tipo de coisas #1


Bluewater68 levou por engano com um míssil lançado de um avião não tripulado dos EUA. Oh Não!
Bluewater68 estava a tratar da sua Quinta, quando se deu uma enorme explosão. Felizmente que todos os animais se encontravam nas Quintas dos vizinhos, ou os danos colaterais teriam sido enormes. Fonte do Pentágono já afirmou ter-se tratado de um erro, pois os satélites tinham registado actividade suspeita na Quinta de Bluewater68, existindo a hipótese de estarem Talibãns escondidos no Celeiro. Queres ajudar o Bluewater68 a juntar dinheiro para recuperar o celeiro?


Bluewater68 foi invadido por Zombies. Oh Não!
Bluewater68 estava a tratar da sua Quinta, quando se apercebeu de uns tipos malcheirosos que se arrastavam lentamente em direcção da sua quinta, soltando uns grunhidos assustadores. Queres ajudar o Bluewater68 a tratar-lhes da saúde?


Bluewater68 descobriu um Saramago perdido. Oh Não!


Bluewater68 perdeu a paciência com 5 vizinhos. Oh Não!

Facebookissa ei kannata sanoa mitä vaan

Facebook-kirjoitus ei ole kahdenvälinen sähköposti tai kahvipöytäkeskustelu. Kirjoittamastaan voi joutua vastuuseen, kerrotaan uutisissa.
PAMin aluepäällikön mukaan erityisesti nuoret työntekijät eivät aina ymmärrä, että Facebookin kaltaisessa sosiaalisessa mediassa ei saa sanoa mitä tahansa.

Eikö tämän pitäisi olla itsestäänselvyys, ettei nettiin laiteta mitä vaan?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

FOR SALE: Patent Ankle Boots with Lace Up Front and Buckle Detail.

CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE LISTING! These amazing booties finish on eBay tonight! Sunday 25th October.

You are looking at an auction for a pair of amazing practically new patent ankle boots.

These head turning ankle pixie style boots have buckle detail, a lace up front and inner zip. These boots are so on trend and will be a great AW09 wardrobe investment – wear with skinny jeans and a fur coat (see my other listings!) or with a ditzy print dress. Unfortunately I’m a size 36 and these boots are just too big for me – they were worn once to work and back!

Great for a variety of looks…Retro/Vintage/High Fashion!

This is a  RARE and EXCLUSIVE find.


Ms. Judy Pink.

My Facebook Reality

Well some of you might find this post rather interesting, while others might just think I am retarded. Then there will be others of you that wonder if I am talking about you, and still others that won’t give a shit either way. What an opening right?

Oh Facebook. My friend of only a few years. You allow me to do all the things that I want without getting arrested for doing them in real life. You play games with me, cater to my stalking needs, give me horoscopes and can even tell me what position I am best in at sex. You may not allow me to make glittery backgrounds as wallpaper or post nonsense all over my page like that slut MySpace but hey… I love you.

You know, when I started Facebook, I already had a MySpace account and updated it pretty regularly. I had like i think 50 friends or something like that but something didn’t really seem right. MySpace was flooded with pre-pubescent girls and a bunch of bands, events, comedians, assholes that just wanted to leave some kind of message on your account telling you where they were going to be. So I moved to Facebook.

I have to tell you, at first I was taken back by Facebook. With just a little bit of information it found tons of people I know. Had a kind of cool layout and had some interesting options here and there. I won’t lie and say I didn’t miss my background on MySpace but I will also say that after seeing so may God awful wallpaper backgrounds, I am fine with losing it. So again, I’m adding friends and I came upon a very interesting dillema. On MySpace I didn’t add anyone I really didn’t like. Mostly because alot of people don’t change and it would just get complicated, however, with Facebook I was going to change the rules.

I will stick to this clear motto “If I have met you in real life or know ALOT about you from either online games, work, or whatever, I will add you.”

Well… it’s not that clear but fuck you it’s my motto… let’s move on shall we.

So it took me forever to add all my friends and people I know because hell…. I know ALOT of people. School, my past 20 jobs, past friends, girlfriends, neighbors, people I worked on their computers, even the guy I asked to hand me some toilet paper from his stall since I was out. After all that was done I now have 323 friends. Pretty good right? I mean, it’s not a contest but hey.. I know people what can I do?

So for months and months I have done facebook… I love it. I like updating.. I like seeing updates… well… here starts my problem.

I knew this Blog was coming about 3 months after I started Facebook. I wanted so many times to just update my status with something like this but as you can see I have alot to say and the “Update Status” feature won’t hold all of this. When I added all those people that I wasn’t exactly the best of friends with but I have either met or whatever.. I knew I was going to have a problem later. Here is the result of that problem..

I hate most of you on my friends list.

There I said it. I can’t pretend I like you because in all reality I can’t stand you. I think if you are reading this and that statement I just made makes some sense to you personally.. then you probably know why I don’t like you.  More importantly, you probably don’t like me too. We just added each other on Facebook because of some sense of feeling that we went to the same high school together, or work together, or whatever, when in reality we both know that we never hung out together or socialized together or anything and it’s because of _____________.

For me … that blank could be filled by numerous things. For example : you being an asshole, you being a preppy asshole, you being a jock asshole, you treating me like an asshole, you having the personality of an asshole, me having a way bigger penis then you……. ok.. I put that last one in there for fun but you get the point.

Lots of things have gone on in my life and people have come and gone in and out of my life and one thing I was told was to just let go of the past a bit and try to not judge. So when I opened my Facebook account I figured, “What the hell, maybe some of these people that were assholes back then have changed.. I mean it has been in some cases 15 years and people still can’t be the way they were back then can they?”

They can and they are.

This whole blog today is because as I went through photos the other day I saw a girl I knew get married. She was surrounded by all the same type of people that she had always been around. This just reminded me of the same shit I saw a month before with this guy I knew being surrounded by the same people he was with before.

I know what you are saying… what about you Justin? I have reached my hand out and in some cases it has worked out and not everyone has stayed the same. It’s nice to see that some things die hard once they are no longer cared about in the real world. So to those of you reading this that have done that, I commend you and say thank you for giving me some hope.

To the rest of you reading this..

No I will not answer who in specific I am talking about. I am almost positive that all of you will know where you fit on in my list. I think most of you will know what I am saying in this blog without coming out and saying it. Yes I will continue to try to reach across the isle so to speak and break these barriers. No I will not hand you toilet paper from my stall..

That is all.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Last Few Days

I have been playing FaceBook games preping for the release of Left 4 Dead 2 and Modern Warfare 2 which will hopefully come my way via GameFly. I have played some Halo 3: ODST and am just about to send it back to GameFly. I might buy it down the road but for now I am saving my cash for the 2 titles I mentioned above. If you’re looking for me to talk about Aion I will get back to it but with all these new releases I am taking time off and once I am done I will be back with full force.

First of the FaceBook Games I have been playing is FarmVille from Zynga Games. I already reviewed it on Raptr, here is what I said:

“Meh, not my kind of game. I didn’t expect much going in, though, now I can see how someone would like it. If you got time to waste, this is your “game” or routine as it makes itself well aware of the time you must harvest.”

After playing it a bit more its a little better with some (FaceBook) friends to help ya out but I still have a problem with the method they use to make money via rwting (Real World Trading, ie Real Money) for ingame currency. And it is very time intensive and is used as a routine. I do like it a bit more but I originally rated it 2/5 and I will be sticking to that rating. The other FaceBook game I have been playing on FaceBook is Vampire Wars which I will review later on.


Yakuza Lords : let's face-off in Facebook...

Facebook's Yakuza Lords

I was never much a fan of online gaming until I started playing Mafia Wars. It was fine at first but it was getting a little bit dull and monotonous. Then one day I was invited online to play Yakuza Lords, I was then officially hooked.

The story-line and the amazing graphics simply blew my mind! And it was quite easy to level upgrade. The group responsible for this silent hit is LOLapps.

Check out the cool and sometimes funny story-lines

This game is very stress relieving. Today in this modern world, we suffer mostly from mental stress and fatigue. So therefore Yakuza Lords offer us the chance to 1) pick a fight with someone and  2) make tons of money. This would definitely help save money on your psychiatrist bills (wait a minute do we even have such a thing here in Sabah?) and certainly makes you feel a bit lot better !

Anyway since we’re on this page, do me a favor and join my Yakuza Lords Family in Facebook. Don’t worry about the screening because I’ll add anything anybody! You can click on my Facebook Profile Badge over at the right or you can simply click here which would immediately direct you to the game.

Okay enough talk, we now have action!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Usando correctamente las redes sociales

Cada vez tenemos más redes sociales que gestionar, a saber: facebook, linkedin, tuenti, twitter, google wave…

Hoy me toca hablar un poquito de twitter, porque la verdad que es la última en la que me he registrado (aún no tengo invitación para el esperado google wave), y la veo la más útil para poner nuestro cambio de estado de forma inmediata y en formato resumen.

El título del post dice usar correctamente las redes sociales, y lo explico a continuación con un ejemplo claro de FACEBOOK:

- 7:50 am: Acabo de levantarme, vaya día de curro me espera.

- 8:30 am: En la ofi, necesito un café ya.

- 10:30 am: Uff, cuanto trabajo, necesito vacaciones.

- 12:30 pm: Reunión con los jefes.

- 4:00 pm: En el baño, “descomiendo”.

- 6:00 pm: Tomando cañas.

Este ejemplo, hace que el muro de todos nuestros “amigos” se llene y es posible que a la mayoría no les importe lo que estás haciendo cada hora, para esto usamos realmente twitter, para escribir en solo 140 caracteres lo que hacemos en cada instante, o las ideas felices que se nos ocurren.

Muchos pensarán de forma diferente, pero creo que el uso de facebook debe ser otro, publicando fotos y vídeos, en definitiva, compartir CONTENIDOS con nuestros amigos.

Un vídeo ‘for dummies’ del uso de twitter…

Se aceptan comentarios y discrepancias, claro.

MAMbo: promozione per i fan Facebook

Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna

Cresce l’attenzione dei musei italiani verso le comunità digitali e le promozioni (sconti, card, ecc.) fanno da ponte tra realtà online e offline: certo, sono attività puramente di marketing, ma denotano l’importanza crescente degli ambienti social digitali.

Il MAMblo ha da poco lanciato una promozione esclusiva rivolta ai propri fan in Facebook: essendo io un fan del museo, mi è capitato di leggere l’iniziativa sulla mia bacheca.

MAMbo COMMUNITY: for FB friends only!

A quanto pare la promozione vuole essere un modo per festeggiare le 5000 “amicizie” del museo: dal 16 ottobre al 31 dicembre 2009 i fan del museo potranno diventare membri della MAMbo community a condizioni agevolate.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bring KATHY GRIFFIN back to the D-List in NYC!


Only takes a minute!

I love Kathy Griffin ( and I am trying to woo her into coming to NYC for some D-list fun!

She has been doing too many A-list appearances; won too many Emmy Awards -so I have something D-list for her!

I have been on The Wendy Williams Show, RTL, 5aaa, etc, for my love and expertise of Sex and the City. The official Sex and the City Tour (, which is visited by thousands each year, has asked me to go on this fantastic tour and make a video for them!

I thought what better way than to get some great comediennes to go! Kathy and Sex go hand in hand!

I figure the more people I have behind me – that harder is will be for Kathy to say no. The tour said they could accommodate her, give her fans a special discount code, among other things. And FREE PRESS is never bad! I could see her doing something like this.

Help me get the ball rolling and sign the petition!


Also feel free to post this anywhere you find appropriate!

Facebook: NealB. In NYC Fan Page

Prezentatoarea violată şi desfigurată cu acid sulfuric se destăinuie

Katie Piper a suferit arsuri de gradul 3 la nivelul feţei, gâtului şi pieptului

Coşmarul lui Katie Piper, o tânără vedetă de televiziune din Marea Britanie, în vârstă de 26 de ani, a început anul trecut, în luna martie, când şi-a cunoscut agresorul prin intermediul binecunoscutei reţele de socializare, Facebook.

“Mi se părea un bărbat chipeş. În acea perioadă, eu prezentam diverse gale de arte marţiale, iar el a venit să mă vadă. L-am văzut în primul rând, iar apoi ne-am întâlnit la petrecerea care a avut loc după eveniment. Am stat de vorbă şi mi-a cumpărat ceva de băut”, a povestit fosta vedetă despre agresorul ei, Lynch.

După o scurtă perioadă, în care el a curtat-o, cei doi au devenit iubiţi. Însă Katie n-a considerat posesivitatea lui drept un semnal de alarmă.

“Trebuia să-mi dau seama de firea lui, însă mie îmi plăcea că este devotat. În plus, avea un corp bine lucrat. Dar cu timpul a devenit foarte gelos pe fiecare bărbat cu care intram în vorbă”, a continuat ea.

Nopatea de coşmar

În seara în care bărbatul şi-a arătat adevărata faţă, cei doi se aflau într-o cameră de hotel. În momentul în care ea a refuzat să facă sex cu el, el a devenit agresiv.

“M-a tras de picioare şi m-a târât în baie. Începuse să-mi curgă sânge din cap, aşa că m-a băgat în cadă şi a început să ţipe: «Nu poţi să fugi de mine!». L-am implorat să mă ducă la spital, în schimb el m-a trântit în pat şi m-a violat”.

După ce şi-a satisfăcut poftele, iubitul femeii a ţinut-o prizonieră opt ore, timp în care a lovit-o neîncetat.

“Îmi spunea că mă urăşte şi eram sigură că mă va ucide. Îmi lovea spatele, gâtul şi picioarele”.

La un moment dat, bărbatul a ameninţat că o va tăia pe faţă cu o lamă de ras sau că o va spânzura cu propria curea de mânerul uşii.

A pus un prieten s-o desfigureze

În cele din urmă, Katie a reuşit să-l calmeze şi să-l convingă să-i dea drumul. Însă i-a fost teamă să meargă la poliţie, crezând că aşa îl va întărâta şi mai mult. În schimb, s-a izolat în apartamentul ei. Dar Lynch a început s-o bombardeze cu telefoane şi mesaje.

“Mă tortura din punct de vedere psihic, însă speram că se va plictisi şi mă va lăsa în pace”.

Într-o zi, fostul iubit a chemat-o în cafeneaua de vizavi, sub pretextul că i-a lăsat un mesaj. În momentul în care femeia a ajuns în clădire, un prieten al lui Lynch i-a aruncat pe faţă acid sulfuric.

“Durerea a fost de nedescris, credeam că o să mor. Simţeam cum pielea mi se evaporă”, a mărturisit tânăra prezentatoare.

Acidul i-a produs arsuri de gradul trei pe faţă, gât, piept şi braţe şi a lasat-o fără vedere la ochiul stâng. În plus, victima a înghiţit acid în timp ce ţipa, aşa că sistemul ei respirator a fost şi el afectat.

A vrut să fie eutanasiată

În timp ce se lupta cu durerea sfâşietoare pe patul de spital, tânăra şi-a rugat părinţii s-o omoare şi astfel s-o cruţe.

Într-un an şi jumătate, Katie Piper a suferit 34 de intervenţii chirurgicale pentru a-şi reconstrui chipul. Astfel, în primăvară a putut începe filmările la un documentar care va prezenta chinul prin care a trecut şi dorinţa ei de a-i arăta atacatorilor că nu au învins-o.

“Danny a încercat să-mi ia totul. Mai întâi a vrut să-mi fure demnitatea şi apoi frumuseţea chipului. A vrut ca cicatricile să-mi amintească mereu de el. Dar acum sunt fericită. Zâmbesc în fiecare zi datorită oamenilor minunaţi din jurul meu”, a declarat femeia.

În mai 2009, agresorul a fost condamnat la închisoare pe viaţă.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

The Reality Moment-US Economy.

US economy has been built on spending beyond means at the individual level.Normally people save for the future; in US people spend for the future;they pile debts in anticipation of income.Prudence calls for savings, not increase in wants.Why blame the Government?It is National Character.Unless people in US start spending on essentilas,reduce consumerism, stop collecting junk as possessions,stop using plastic money,they can be sure that the worse is yet to come.

‘That which can’t continue doesn’t. A nation can spend and spend, pile debt upon debt, but eventually there comes a reality moment when some leader emerges to say enough is enough and when decent people, looking around at themselves and their own best nature, respond by demanding a return to responsibility’.-NYT 16 Oct

Una informazione capace di fare, e non solo fotografare

Non smettono di stupirci, i nostri lettori. Sempre pronti a commentare, a sottolineare, a riflettere. Anche quando i nostri articoli sul Quotidiano, i nostri post sul blog o le nostre note su Facebook affrontano argomenti che sulle prime si penserebbe appannaggio dei lettori. Come quello che abbiamo affrontato un paio di giorni fa, relativo all’informazione locale, ed alla funzione nuova che il nostro giornale sta svolgendo attraverso la combinazione tra la versione cartacea e gli strumenti di comunicazione on line: “C’è una rete- scrivevamo -, una vera rete tra il giornale ed il suo pubblico: sempre più i lettori diventano protagonisti. Un giornale dovrebbe sempre “dare voce” ai propri lettori, nel senso che dovrebbe essere specchio dell’opinione pubblica del territorio in cui si riferisce. Il Quotidiano sta facendo ancora di più: non soltanto “dà” voce, ma “è” voce dei lettori-cittadini.”
Ecco che ne pensa Nico Baratta, che ha “postato” il seguente commento sul blog ( e che ringraziamo per le espressioni di stima che ha utilizzato nei nostri confronti: “Ottimo sevizio, libero, plurale, oltre i confini della solita stampa e fuori da ogni concetto precostruito.
Dare voce ai cittadini penso che sia una necessità di chi dell’informazione ne fa uno strumento di divulgazione e spesso di comunicazione.
Molte testate giornalistiche e audiovìsive sono soggette a criteri limitati, spesso che “urtano” con ciò che ognuno di noi vorrebbe dire. Non è un mistero che localmente giornali finanziati da sponsor sempre più pressanti e legati a uno o l’altro versante politico fanno da “cernitori” di notizie o di articoli. Oggi l’informazione va sul Web e lo spazio non manca. Lo dimostrano i tanti blog e lo spazio dell’attuale Quotidiano.
Un grazie aperto alla redazione da parte di tutti quelli che vogliono far crescere il Territorio, la Capitanata, Foggia.”
E non poteva mancare la voce di una “compagna di viaggio” come Marianna Onorato, la tenace e combattiva fondatrice del gruppo che su Facebook si batte per la messa in sicurezza delle strade provinciali. Un’amicizia virtuale nata – è il caso di dirlo – strada facendo, attraverso la condivisione dell’obiettivo di una migliore qualità della vita della comunità provinciale.
“L’uso di internet – scrive Marianna Onorato – sta portando ad una rivoluzione nell’informazione creando un filo diretto con la gente. Penso che in special modo l’informazione locale non possa esimersi (se vuole crescere) da questa metamorfosi, laddove il pubblico è più vicino e di più modeste dimensioni. Un’Informazione Interattiva che non si limita a raccontare fatti e misfatti  e a riportare le opinioni di questo o di quel personaggio, ma che fa parlare il cittadino qualunque e gli fa sentire di “esserci” in questo Paese, di contare qualcosa non solo quando ha la scheda elettorale in mano. Un’Informazione Attiva capace anche di “fare” oltre che di “fotografare”, come nel caso del sostegno che Voi state dando ad una protesta popolare online per le condizioni disastrose delle strade della provincia di Foggia: attenzione che dà peso ad un coro altrimenti inascoltato. E’ così che si uccide la rassegnazione e l’indifferenza che ci ha “annullato” da tempo immemore come “cittadinanza” e che ha portato la politica a chiudersi nei Palazzi e il Paese alla deriva. Grazie e buon proseguo!”

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Lullaby 3

ENTAH bagaimana awalnya. Bunda minta aku mengirimkan fotoku. “Pakai apa?” tanyaku. Bunda bilang, “Pakai hape. Emak kangen!” Jadi, aku berpikir lama untuk memotret mukaku sendiri. Itu butuh seharian. Semalam aku mimpi buruk. Ceritanya, teman-teman meninggalkanku semua, hanya karena insiden bodoh: aku tertidur saat membuka sebuah diskusi! Lalu ada seseorang yang merekamnya, esoknya diunggah ke facebook, dan isi semua komentar menertawaiku. Satu demi satu dari temanku minta maaf karena harus mengakhiri pertemanan-dalam-ruang-facebook! Itu sangat memalukan, kata mereka.

Aku sedih sekali. Bangun tidur, tahu-tahu mataku sudah basah. Semuanya tampak menyedihkan untukku. Saat itulah Bunda meneleponku dan minta fotoku.

Tapi aku membiarkan permintaan Bunda. Seharian kulewati dengan membaca buku. Ini hiburan yang selalu kunikmati di saat aku kesepian dan masa bodoh. Aku teringat masa-masa di Jogja: sendiri di kos, tidur setahun di kampus, lalu sendiri lagi di kos; seakan-akan itu bayanganku sendiri hingga aku kembali lagi dalam situasi tersebut.

Akhirnya, menjelang petang, aku memutuskan untuk cukur rambut.

Aku menelepon Bunda melalui handpone Kakak, “Mak, geus dideuleu encan?”

“Kok kuru,” kata Bunda, lalu lanjutnya, “Kok kedeuleuna geus kolot. Senang cageur kan?”

Bunda rupanya melihat mukaku yang menyedihkan: raut tirus, peyot, dan kurus—dalam naungan rambut pendek. Dan yang lebih khawatir lagi: kantung mata tebal di pelupuk mataku. Dia bertanya-tanya: Ada apa? Kamu sehat kan?

“Ya, aku sehat, Mak,” jawabku, cepat. “Cuma kurang tidur saja.” Aku meyakinkan Bunda.

Dari mula aku memang ragu-ragu karena kantung mata itu. Entah bagaimana persisnya, pelan-pelan di pelupuk mataku, dengan lekukan yang tambah mencembung, terbentuklah kantung mata itu. Ia terlihat seperti muka seorang prajurit yang kalah perang. Atau kaum gaucho yang kalah taruhan. Pendek kata, seperti seseorang yang tak pernah tidur dalam hidupnya…

Memang, belakangan ini, aku sulit tidur. Kos ini sepi sekali. Dihela sebuah kamar, ada sepasang suami-istri yang menempati kamar di dekat pintu rumah. Si suami dari Padang, si istri dari Karawang. Mereka ribut, tapi aku sendiri tak mengerti bahasanya. Si Padang pernah teriak “pantek!” “pantek!” “pantek!” kepada si Karawang. Istrinya penurut betul: masak harus tepat waktu, belum boleh tidur sebelum suaminya pulang, lalu mempersiapkan makan dini hari sekali. Singkatnya, aku benci perilaku mereka.

Selebihnya, hening. Atau kalau ingin kutambahkan, suara kipas di dalam kamarku. Aku tak suka dengan rasa sepi. Itu mengingatkanku dengan masa-masa sendiri di Jogja. Meski aku sudah empat kali pindah kos, namun kos terakhirlah, di H10, yang membuat aku memiliki banyak teman. Kami biasa bercanda seharian. Lari pagi bersama, main kartu bersama, bekerja bersama, masak dan makan bersama. Pokoknya menyenangkan. Kau tahu, hidup tanpa teman seperti mengajari sebongkah batu bicara. (Belakangan satu dari kami meninggal Agustus tahun ini).

Mimpiku juga aneh-aneh. Pernah aku bertemu dengan teman-teman dekat SMA. Kukenali semua wajah mereka. Tapi aku lupa nama. Mereka, dengan sikap biasa, memanggilku, persis seperti kami mengobrol saat SMA. Tak ada yang perlu dipamerkan, seakan kami bertemu setiap hari. Namun aku kikuk. Aku tak berani memanggil nama mereka, hanya bilang “kamu” seolah-olah tak ada perbedaan antar “A” dan “Z” atau semua lelaki adalah sama dan begitupun semua perempuan adalah sama. Aku terbangun dan berkeringat, pagi-pagi sekali. Aku tak tidur lagi, lekas mandi, tapi sesudah jam 10 pagi hingga petang, aku menahan kantuk berat!

Aku mendengar suara Ayah keras sekali; baru pertama dalam hidupku, Ayah berteriak penuh semangat. Mungkin itu berasal dari kejadian berbulan-bulan lalu, lantas muncul dalam mimpiku. Sepulang dari ladang, masih dengan pakaian basah keringat dan kaki telanjang, serta kepala tertutup caping jerami, Ayah muncul dari depan pintu dan marah-marah kepada Si-Nenek-Sihir-Pembohong yang umurnya setua tubuhnya. Ayah membentak, sambil menahan dengus nafas, sementara dari balik lemari, yang membagi ruang tengah, aku terkejut bukan main, memejamkan mata, dan setelah mataku terbuka, aku melihat tubuhku mengecil, kembali seperti bocah usia 7 tahun. Aku ketakutan setengah mati. Di suatu tempat, suara Ayah tiba-tiba mengecil, dan kemudian terdengar seperti lolongan—seseorang yang minta tolong dari balik suatu jurang. Aku tergeragap. Tubuhku berkeringat deras.

Menunggu sore, aku menelepon. Langsung saja, “Aku ingin bicara dengan Ayah.” Di ujung telepon, suara Ayah cuma menggeremang, terdengar seperti suaraku sendiri.

Memang Ayah tak biasa ditelepon. Jarang sekali Ayah mau diajak bicara ketika aku minta handpone Kakak dialihkan ke Ayah. Dia bukan tipe-Ayah-yang-bicara-bebas-di-udara. Tapi ayah punya bakat bercerita. Kalau aku main ke rumah-masa-kecilku, aku suka tidur dekat Ayah, di depan televisi. Di tengah selimut nyamuk-nyamuk, dimulai dari ladang yang dibajaknya, Ayah bercerita tentang masa mudanya, dari Binangun hingga Bandung, dari pedalaman Gombong hingga lautan utara Jawa. Semuanya jernih. Suaranya adalah ninabobo bagi anak-bungsunya yang pathetic. Kehidupan dari mulut Ayah seperti tali karet yang diikat sepanjang usiaku, di mana aku memegang kedua ujungnya lalu membaling-balingkannya seperti anak SD bermain skipping.

Aku makin yakin dari mimpi-mimpiku, terutama di tengah bulan puasa ini (alasan yang dibuat-buat sebetulnya), aku harus segera mengakhiri rasa sepi, mungkin dengan cara bersandar pada keinginanku yang akhir-akhir ini berdengung terus dalam kepalaku. Dalam mimpi terakhir, setelah semua teman pergi satu-satu, aku lebih banyak percaya kepada teman lama, yang telah membuatku merasa hadir di dunia, tidak menjadi seorang “alien in stranger city.” Aku mengucapkan tutup-buku kepada semua orang, lantas pergi jauh dari Jawa, menuju luar Jawa, menghabiskan sisa hidupku di sana, lari dari keterbatasan menuju daerah terra incognito, yang super-serba-terbatas. Aku pergi ditemani perempuan yang sudah kukenal lama, laiknya garis-garis telapak tanganku sendiri, yang kelak menjadi “my-beloved-wife.”

Perpisahan itu membuatku sedih. Seperti adegan penutup sebuah drama di atas panggung yang konyol tapi sad ending. Ketika aku terbangun, airmataku sudah merebak…

Ah…, selamat menunaikan ibadah menulis, pikirku.[]

Personal Branding Part 2 - Channels

I wrote here about the importance of having a personal brand nowadays, and the 3 steps to building your personal brand.

This post is about the online channels, or the “how to reach my target group”, once you have a clear message to convey.

1. Your Google results. What’s the first 3 things that Google returns once you do a search on your own name? My results are my Linked In profile and articles I’ve written. I think that’s pretty good, but could be better. You can post your public Linked In profile on the web ( or create a personal branded page with Lookup Page.

2. Linked In and posting on Linked In discussion boards. Who makes up your network? Make sure you’re connected with the people who share your interests, by clicking the “find users with this keyword” option that appears in the Interests section on your profile.  Also, look up groups which discuss about your niche of business. Get involved in discussions and contribute. Don’t try to sell directly via discussion boards – posting your resume there will not get you attention. Find something that will attract interest, and share. That will get you known (and liked) far easier.

3. Facebook. What do your status changes and application updates say about you? What kind of photos do you upload? Keep in mind, Facebook is not just a utility website for young people. You can actually post ads there, or create posts and links that direct users to your blog or website.

4. Twitter. What you twit about is who you are. I recently got on Twitter and found it immensely useful. I saw what some people were posting, and became very interested in them, visiting their websites, blogs, and re-tweeting their posts. I got to read 200% more useful information in the self development field, thanks to the links posted by the people I follow. I just started with a few connections, and surfing their blogs, got to other links, who pointed to other people, who wrote other articles, whom I started to follow. And so on.

But the above is only about the “listening” side of Twitter. What should you post? Do you want to be perceived as a trend setter? Then you need to stay online quite often, and post whatever is new in your field, or, better, come up with your own innovations. Do you want to be perceived as a networker and facilitator? Then you should follow all the interesting posts and re-tweet them. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to “unfollow” people who don’t fit your interest. Filter your information, and before you post anything, ask yourself: “Would this tweet add value to my followers?” Or even better: “Is this information so good, that some would pay money to get it?”

5. Blog. I guess this says it all. Don’t mix semi-professional or work related blogs, with sharing what you did last night in the pub. But then again, if your target audience would dig that, consider it.  In what kind of catalogs or networks does your blog enter? To whom do you link? A pretty good blog network I discovered is Once you include your blog in this catalog, it will look somewhat like this. Of course, there are endless possibilities to promote your blog so that it goes up in the search list.

There’s also Technorati, the blog directory. Personally, I found it rather hard to digest, but I’m still going to give it some shots.

How often you write is another issue. You should write at least once a week. Experts say at least once per day, but I consider this to be a bit overdone. Once every 2-3 days is enough. Write about useful things, the sort of things who would interest your audience. Don’t be afraid to write. You don’t have to revisit each post 10 times before you publish. I’ve had the surprise that some of my posts which I considered mediocre were most visited and commented upon. Just write. You will see, the more you write, the more ideas will come to you.

6. Forum posts. What kind of forums do you use? Make sure your opinion is based on arguments. See above my mention on Linked In discussion boards.

7. Articles. I’ve heard about people who were in business or NGO field, and I had little idea on what their full time job was – I just knew I read their articles each month, and they were damn good writers. This made them known, more than promoting their business would have. And when one of them posted a note on starting an open training, I thought “Whoa! I know this guy! He’s really good. I would buy his service.”

You can use your blog posts to elaborate them into articles. To what websites? Look for those websites that fit with your style and mindset. Approach them and offer to write. Once you get better at writing, people will start approaching you more.   On what topics? Choose your topics wisely. Don’t jump into anything you’re not accustomed with. And always base your information on reliable sources. Just like a full time journalist.

8. Presentations and webinars. I only got as far as this with presentations (see my previous post on Prezi) but I know there are other tools as well to building online presentations and sharing slides (Slide Share is just one other example). You can embed it in your blog, share it via Linked In or Facebook.

All in all, these are just a few channels that can help you promote yourself online. The basic idea behind it all has to be CONSISTENCY.

Make sure that your message is crisp, clear, and that your audience can see this through your tweets, posts, articles, or even photos.

As for myself, I can only hope this made a difference to your personal development. And if you’re wondering how to get started, I can help – just click here and drop me an email to schedule a first coaching discussion.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I mentioned The Lovely Neil from the Hollywood Hills party the other night; that despite his enthusiastic punching of my phone number into his iphone he had not called; that I had facebook friend requested him regardless of my breaking “the rules” by doing so.

Five days after our evening of patio kissing,; 4 days after my retarded Facebook move, here is the result (clearly I’d added a message with my friend request):

My message:

Call me crazy… but I keep re-living that kiss from last night.  I want more.  xxx

His response:

… said the Nun to the Vicar..!

I give him 10 points for audacity!  Fucker!

Facebook Saya

Saya memiliki facebook,saya juga suka sekali membukanya.Saya juga sering memainkan aplikasi facebook yang bernama Rock Legends dan Mafia Wars tetapi saya lebih suka memainkan Rock legends

Untuk menambahkan saya sebagai teman anda di facebook klik disini

Untuk menambahkan saya sebagai teman anda di twitter klik disini

Blog bagus klik disini

Dan Email saya adalah

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mulher é presa por causa de um 'poke' no Facebook

Shannon Jackson, de 36 anos, foi presa depois de usar a função ‘poke’ (algo como ‘cutucar’), do Facebook, para contactar uma moradora da mesma cidade em que ela vive, Hendersonville, no Tennessee. É que Shannon estava proibida, por uma ordem de proteção, de se aproximar da mulher de qualquer maneira: “…não telefonar, contactar ou se comunicar de qualquer outra forma com a requisitante”, diz a ordem judicial.

Continue lendo…

Tomou, trouxa! xD

Czy mikroblogi wygryzą blogi?

Będę musiał w tym tekście używać tak mglistych i nielubianych przeze mnie sformułowań jak „blogi standardowe” i „mikroblogi”, ale nie znajduję jeszcze słów, którymi precyzyjniej mógłbym sklasyfikować te zjawiska. No cóż.

Czytałem gdzieś o tym wczoraj, ale za diabła nie pamiętam wniosków;-) Nieważne. Sam złapałem się ostatnio na tym, że częściej używam zmiany statusu na Facebook niż dodaję wpisy na prywatnym blogu. Bo oprócz dwóch podstawowych (dających w sumie tą trzecią) funkcji, które pełni w moim odczuciu blog, czyli:

  • Publikacja = autor
  • Reakcja = czytelnik
  • Interakcja = autor + czytelnik

…pojawił się facebookowy element „powszechnej dostępności” i „stałej frekwencji”. Nie wiem, czy są to fortunne terminy, w każdym razie chodzi o to, że przyjemniej publikuje się tam, gdzie publiczność już jest, niż tam, gdzie publiczność musi dotrzeć specjalnie do autora. Można tu oczywiście rozpatrywać element „jakości” tych wizyt (bo przecież jeśli ktoś dotarł na autonomiczną stronę, to bardziej mu zależało i bardziej zapamięta przekaz), ale powiedzmy, że nie jestem doradcą finansowym ani płatkami śniadaniowymi i akt publikacji i reakcji są dla mnie ważniejszy niż jakość wizyty przekładająca się na sprzedaż i wizerunek mnie samego.

Facebook wydaje się wygodniejszy tym bardziej, że integruje się np. z Tweeterem, czy BLIPem. Po co w takim razie korzystać z tak archaicznych maszyn jak choćby nlog czy ownlog? Gdzie przebiega granica pomiędzy blogowaniem a mikroblogowaniem i jak będzie się ona kształtowała w przyszłości?

Jednej rzeczy jestem pewien – standardowe blogi są z nami już od kilku lat i sądzę, że przetrwają tak jak e-mail, sms i czat. Myślę też, że nie chodzi tu o wzajemne wygryzanie, ale raczej o konieczność szukania przez „standardowe serwisy blogowe” pomysłu na synergię tych zjawisk. Skoro Facebook potrafi zintegrować się z mikroblogami, niech integrują się z nimi nasze popularne ownlog, nlog etc. Już dziś widać, że – owszem – mikroblogi są wykorzystywane jako takie, ale służą również jako promocja blogów standardowych.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

My funny Facebook friend

Shown is a picture of a ticket for the Alecks Pabico benefit concert

To Alecks Pabico, who wouldn’t mind my jokes

Next to feigning sickness and alien abduction, the death of a family member or a friend is one of the better excuses to avoid going to the office.

This was exactly the reason why I was able to skip work for two days, however short and temporary.

I told my supervisors that a friend died and I was in quiet mourning (i.e., comforting my similarly-bereaved friends while drinking vodka at the wake on the sly).

In doing so, I accidentally stumbled upon one of life’s most well-kept secrets: to avoid work, have someone you know die.

But that’s not as easy as it sounds.

And in the case of Alecks Pabico, the very first Philippine Collegian editor I served, I would rather be a bundy clock boy and HR’s BFF than have him beat deadlines somewhere else.

Alecks was so loved that hours after he died on Wednesday last week, funeral arrangements were already being prepared by an ad hoc committee composed of his friends — an ADB consultant, a UP law professor, a litigator, and myself, a drunkard.

Although I fail to remember having to volunteer for such a responsibility, I took to the mission with much aplomp since it involved free alcoholic drinks upon its successful completion.

Moreover, it was my only way of paying tribute to Alecks, one of the gentlest, funniest people I have known (and I say that as someone who excoriates the living, the dead, and other half-dead entities whose only contributions to this planet are hot air and carbon emissions).

My task at Aleck’s wake, while easy, was both a curse and a privilege.

It helped me get in touch with other friends I haven’t seen in decades but it also emphasized that the instant reunion was brought about by Alecks’ demise — an eventuality that he was prepared to face even before he knew his time was up.

About a week before he died, he delivered a speech during a benefit concert held in his honor.

Alecks pretended to stumble on the stage, much to the horror of the audience. He then chuckled, poking fun at the audience’s worst fears.

During his remarks — which I missed by an hour — he also made light of his condition, just about the same attitude he exuded the last time he and I made contact.

Sadly, it was only through Facebook (though we did see each other in August when Collegian alumni held a separate dinner in his honor).

Two weeks before the benefit concert, he uploaded an image of the concert ticket and wrote a status message that said: “Look at what friends from UP Samasa are plotting, but with my consent, of course. To those whom I count as friends, hope you support the effort. Thanks!”

I was the first to reply and did so in jest. “What about your enemies? What will they do? ,” I said.

Alecks was nonplussed.

“Hmmmm, how about asking yourself that question? ”

Hours later, in the same status thread, he gave me a gentle reminder, something which I will never forget.

““Enemies” invoke a lot of negative energy. Dwelling on the negative only serves to defeat the event’s very purpose, which is to send positive, healing vibrations.”

So I said: “OK, smart Alecks. I’ll send you good vibes. ”

Apparently, my online gesture wasn’t enough.

Goodbye, my friend.

Too bad we weren’t able to see each other one final time.

In any case, I’ll always remember you, Alecks — inside and outside Facebook.

Just promise to go easy on updating your status messsages.

Donations for the family of Alecks Pabico are still accepted at All funds will be allotted for the education and long-term welfare of Aleck’s children, Marlee and Kaya, as well as his wife, Mira.

Waw, das ist super! Mungkin hari ini ada...

Waw, das ist super! Mungkin hari ini adalah hari terbaik selama hidupku. Aku yakin. Karen hari ini adalah hari yang membahagiakan sekali. Aku tak tahan untuk menceritakannya disini. Tapi sulitku juga untuk merangkainya. Aduh, daripada berlama-lama, lebih baik kumulai saja hari yang begitu menyenangkan ini.

Pelajaran pertama, yaitu bahas Jepang. Wah, ini seru sekali! Kita menarikan 3 tarian dari Jepang dengan musiknya. Keren sekali. Aku sangat semangat. Apalagi teman-temankupun terlihat seperti itu. Bukan main senangnya. Kemudian Sensei Citra membagikan tiket untuk Festival Jepang di Monas hari minggu. Wah, pelajaran pertama saja sudah menyenangkan apalagi pelajaran kedua kali ya.

Pelajaran kedua, yaitu bahasa Jerman. Waaaaaa….. Tak bisa terungkap dengan kata-kata lagi. Ternyata fr. Tatiana yang mengajar. Kita semua senang sekali, walaupun kadang kita harus membuka kamus untuk mengetahui maksud fr. Tatiana yang memang datang dari Jerman. Wah, seru sekali pokoknya! Tak menyesal aku tak jadi masuk sekolah. Seru, apalagi dia memberiku permen yang sangat enak. Kemudian foto-foto bersama. Coba cek Facebook-ku.

Ketiga, pelajaran bahasa Indonesia. Memang tidak sesenang bahasa Jerman, namun waaaah… Bahasa Indonesia tidak kalah menyenangkan. Apalagi Bu Eci mengajar dengan semangat. umat ini merupakan jumat yang paling indah dalam hidupku.

Oh iya, setelah itu, aku sholat jumat dan setelah itu aku mengikuti latihan Vogue. Dilatihan Vogue ternyata sudah ramai, dan kita bernyanyi ria bersama. Wah, memang Friday is my best day ever!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Annuncia il suicidio su Facebook 15 enne si e tolto la vita.

«Meno uno, sto arrivando all’aldilà». Ha deciso di suicidarsi e, avendo 15 anni, ha deciso di farlo lasciando il suo ultimo messaggio in modo tecnologicamente avanzato: con un post su Facebook. Lui, Carlo D’Urzo, si è impiccato l’altra sera in camera sua, in una casa di Torre del Greco, ad appena 15 anni. Ora Facebook risponde, tardi, al suo segnale di solitudine.
Sono tre giorni, riporta il quotidiano Il Mattino, che su Facebook c’è il conto alla rovescia del suo suicidio, che non trova spiegazioni: sotto il corpo senza vita il padre ha trovato la maglietta della Turris, quella degli Scout e un foglio su cui ha lasciato il suo addio a tutti. «Mamma, papà, amici: non è stata colpa vostra».



Gli amici ora invadono Facebook con i suoi ricordi: «adesso l’unica cosa che ti chiediamo a nome di tutta la tua classe è «Scusaci, non abbiamo capito il tuo disagio – recita un altro commento – potevamo salvarti, starti vicino, farti capire che la vita è una e che vale la pena viverla, ma non abbiamo compreso nulla».
Che cosa lo abbia spinto a tanto, resta un mistero. Figlio di una dietologa e di un dipendente comunale, Carlo aveva una vita apparentemente normale, uguale a quella di tutti i suoi coetanei: la passione per la squadra di calcio della Turris, l’appartenenza ai boy scout, l’amore per il mare al quale un giorno avrebbe dedicato la vita: desiderava diventare marinaio. «Era schivo, timido -raccontano i compagni di classe dell’Istituto Nautico Colombo – non parlava molto».
«Non abbiamo capito il tuo disagio – uno dei commenti lasciati ieri sulla bacheca del gruppo virtuale creato su internet – potevamo salvarti, starti vicino, farti capire che la vita è una e che vale la pena viverla, ma non abbiamo compreso nulla«.

Anche non conoscendoti non ti dimenticherò

Walking is Great Exercise, and It’s Free!

We recently traveled to Rome for a vacation.  Rome has a decent metro, not nearly as comprehensive as Washington, DC or Paris, but it is adequate, or so I am told.  We never took the metro our entire four days in Rome. Rather we chose to walk the city, and in doing so we learned so much.  If you take the metro, it gets you from place to place but you miss out on quite a bit.

The sites were not necessarily within walking distance, but we walked.  Along the way we met people, sat in cafes and watched people, and learned a lot about Rome and Romans.  In fact, we hooked up with the Free Rome Tours by simply seeing a tee shirt, and asking a question.  This is what they say on their web site: “…free tours are working to give you a better way to see the eternal city.” 


How do you arrive at your workplace, and I don’t mean did you drive, carpool, or take public transportation.  But I do want you to process your activities once you enter the building. When you arrive, do you  take the elevator, go immediately to your office, and quickly get immersed in your workload? 

What if you chose a different arrival pattern?  What if you decided to stop and talk to co-workers or employees along the way?  And when you got to your office, you left the door open rather than shutting it and everyone out?  What if, for all intents and purposes, you didn’t take the metro to your office, but you actually walked and talked your way to your office?  What might you learn about the activities, and the people who work with you or for you?  What if?????

Call it “free tours” or call it MBWA.  I touched on the value of Management by Walking Around in my previous blog.  But our experience in Rome really brought it home for me.  We learned so much just by walking the city that I immediately saw the connection to the work environment.  It’s your world, your business world, and you don’t need a consultant to help you learn about your employees’ feelings, about your employees’ ideas.

Start listening and talking to the locals!  It’s all free!  Walk around, see the sites, visit the coffee station, the copy station, visit the cafeteria, and consider listening while waiting at the elevator. Imagine what you might learn!   

View This Poll

Where is the best place to learn what’s going on at work?  Cafeteria, coffee station, hallways, elevators, restrooms!  Or maybe its Twitter, Facebook, or other social communities.  I’m curious about your world.  Tell me what it’s like where you work.  Write your thoughts in the reply box below as we build our community on this topic!


Eileen Weisman is a communication strategist, a good listener, enjoys walking around, a recycling expert, a dog lover, and a mother of the bride.  Contact The W Group to discuss opportunities for improving the listening environment within your company or organization.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The main element here, is Green.

Your purpose was not to be what this world wants you to be but what His eyes saw and His hands molded you to be. You were put on this world for a purpose greater than any on mans eyes could see. Your heart may be broken as you say goodbye, but there is a tomorrow that has your name written upon it. You are defined not by the struggles you face, but how well you carry yourself throughout them. You may be losing family, but they are not gone forever, they are merely going on to the destiny God has placed in their life. They were in your life for a season and a reason and to make you stronger. To bring you a set of guidelines and to get you started. It’s not about the quality of the boat that has been given to you, it’s what you do with it is how you will be remembered. Your boat right now are the guidelines that this family has brought into our lives and the lessons that we have learned in the 13 years we have shadowed under them. Your destiny is not about the people who have been brought into your life, but what you do with them.

You have only one life, so what will you do with it?
Your impossible situation, is God’s way of getting you to HIS destination.

Along with those words, I leave you with a poem.

Your heart may be broken,
But His love is the greatest token.
Your burden may be too heavy,
But by His steps we remain steady.
One man made a difference in you,
Now take his teachings and keep them through
your biggest trials, think and thin,
Because with that and Him,
You’ll surely win.
Your heart remains in His hands,
Just remember there’s only one set of prints in the sand.
Be strong dear daughter for you are mine,
I’ve given you a light so let it shine.
Be strong my dear son,
For your life has only just begun.

This goes out to my newly found family at Westmore..and mainly to my peeps at The Element. If you are reading this…know that this only makes you stronger. I was in your very shoes just a year and 8 months ago. I know what you’re feeling. And I will be honest with hurts..and is going to hurt for a little while. But it DOES get better. You are made stronger through it. Your head may be held low, but He will come pick you up by the chin and tell you, “Dear child of mine, I love you. I will never leave you.” And that my dear friends, is the greatest thing to hear from your heavenly Father and friend at that time. My heart breaks for those of you that looked to the Green family, as YOUR family…and more Robert as a father figure, or another parent. Know this, HE LOVES YOU TOO! If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have prayed over EACH and EVERY one of you! That says a lot right there!
You WILL make it through HIS time..until then, you’ve got me, and I know a leadership team as well as friends behind you, that will back you up, build you up, and help you up:)

Secondly, for those other bloggers out there reading this..I was just going to post this as a note on my facebook..just for my Westmore gang..and I just couldn’t do it. Someone out there reading this…this was for YOU! You were MEANT to read this…whether you know me, or not. I’m not exactly sure who it was for..but I know that it is going to speak volumes in your life. You have to have faith as it talks about all throughout Hebrews. Faith isn’t always easy. Hebrews 11 states that is believing in something that isn’t there at that moment. No, you may not have after job tomorrow, but you have a God and a Heavenly Father that loves you and that’s going to see you through, and send you where you’re needed…wanted. No, your son or daughter may not be home tomorrow, but there is an angel protecting them from harm and danger till they’re safe in YOUR arms. No, he or she may not stop hitting you tomorrow…but one day very soon you will be free. Don’t take that lightly! Whoever that was that I just spoke to with that last sentence, DO NOT TAKE THAT LIGHTLY! “yeah, right. like i haven’t heard that before. whatever.” umm…no. He promised you that you would do great things..and that you will. “I AM, THAT, I AM.”


No drug can make you feel like He can. No amount of alcohol can give you the buzz that He can only create. That knife will NEVER be able to cut deep enough to release the pain you feel. The mirror will never tell you you’re good enough.  Those pills, only last for a few hours.
MY God, lasts for an eternity. Whether you want to believe it or not. And I’ll say it again, it doesn’t matter what denomination you are from. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, or what your background is. We are all given a boat, and are supposed to use it…regardless of the holes, ducktape, tears in the sale or the size for that matter! We are to use it to the best of our ability. You make it what you want..better make it what He instructs you to make it. So what if you don’t have the materials now, He always provides somehow.


Be ready for the storm of His Love that is about to flood your life.
Remember, Live Love and Love Life.


Facebook, Twitter, & in Xbox ?

Microsoft Xbox, one of some popular game console in the world would add new feature on Xbox Live. They aware the technology trend nowadays that tends to social network. Like Wedbush Morgan analyst Michael Pachter said when he writes in his E3 2009 preview that the video game trade show should be “full of news and useful information for video game fans.” Microsoft want to create a social gaming console. Because of many user who really need more information and communication with their friends, not just play game. It marked a definitive expansion into social networking for the console and a strategy of broadening the Xbox brand into a wider entertainment realm beyond gaming.

As promised in early June at the E3 event, 360 Live users will see Twitter, Facebook and streaming radio service available to their community as downloadable apps. Additionally, the existing Netflix application is expected to be updated to allow users to browse through titles directly from Live. With the promise of on-demand games, streaming videos, music and a new social media component, the Xbox community is about to look a lot like open source media center Boxee. Jennifer Puzio-Brooks an Entertainment Manager for Xbox has mentioned that the public beta for Xbox’s latest update that will include Facebook, Twitter and integration will be going public this month. No solid date has been set for beta except it should go public sometime later this month. It doesn’t look like this beta will run like the last beta Microsoft had for their Dashboard update, it looks like you will not have the chance to sign up, but rather invites will be sent out to the community and to the press.

Facebook Integration
The Facebook integration may even have improved on the photo album browsing interface of the actual site, with snappy loading times and full-screen images making it even easier to browse through you or your friends’ photo galleries.
There’s also a very nice feature coming with the Facebook implementation as well: the ability to see which of your Facebook friends have Xbox Live accounts. Of course, you may already be Xbox Live friends with some of them, but what about the folks you might not have had the chance to exchange gamertags with, or even the friends you don’t even know are gamers? The new Dashboard update will solve that problem by identifying your Facebook friends on XBLA that haven’t friended you there yet.

Twitter and
The Twitter implementation is a bit more bare bones, but nevertheless provides a way to update your status, see updates from those you’re following, and also see trending topics and perform searches. As Joystiq notes, without an on-board web browser with which to follow links and view Twitpics though, it almost calls to attention the glaring omission of web browsing on the Xbox 360.
The implementation also gets high marks for user interface design, with most of the functionality users are familiar with brought into the Xbox Live integration. You can listen to your various stations, create new ones, skip tracks, add favorites, and get more information about individual tracks and artists.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Holland Vendor Hall of Fame

Holland Advertising : Interactive has been building partnerships with our vendors, and view our vendors as an important part of our team.  For almost 20 years, we have been honoring a vendor each month for service to our agency and clients.  Everyone at the agency contributes on the selection process of our chosen monthly vendor.  Our congratulatory letter goes out to the monthly winner (and their boss), and it explains the service and value-added provided to our clients.  Their name is inscribed on a plaque that hangs in the reception area of our office.  Currently there are 15 plaques, or 170 members today in the Holland Vendor Hall of Fame.

Since Holland employees are the only ones who see the plaques daily, we decided to share the award with everyone.  Each month we will post a new “Vendor of the Month” on our Facebook page.  Stay tuned to see some of our past Vendors, and more to come in the future.

Thanks to all our winners!

A little of everything . . .

Today, has been one of those days. Little of this, little of that. Here a little, there a little, and I think I’ll pittle over there just a little.

Sent my first tweet today and I’m going to be right out there honest about this whole thing by saying, I really don’t get it. But I’m going to very soon. I know it’s not complicated, so I have no fear of this all coming clear quickly. It’s just that I don’t really understand who on earth is going to hear me as I sit in my tree and tweet away. Now I do know I can followers but haven’t gotten far enough to know how to tell you how to follow me. Work stepped in my way of making that full connect. BLAH. Sooooo, tomorrow for that. Or today really since it’s 2:30 am.

As I mentioned yesterday I was going to make a decision on what to set up in Facebook for John1’s book: Red Book and Cotton and I did, so drum roll please . . . Went with a page! So surf on over to FB and search for his Page by key searching John Solomon Sandridge and like magic it’ll pop up. And don’t forget to become a fan! Haven’t got much in there yet, but there will be soon. I’m hoping to see the discussion board light up with people gabby about the book. Be the first to enter a post!

Night all, Love ya,
-watch for my name in the film credits

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday Stash

Factory Girls from Alexander Henry

Factory girls are kinda scary but I really like them.  I have no idea how I will use this fabric.  Any suggestions?

Quilt Pirates from Michael Miller

Um, how cute are these little guys?!  I want to be a quilt pirate.  Sail around the world, see far off places all the while sewing up a storm!

On another note, Urban Crunch is now on Facebook!  Become a fan!!

AskJeeves edukuje nt. raka piersi

Niedawno trafił w moje ręce album fotograficzny projektu ‘Cięcie’
- wspólne dzieło Fundacji Psychoonkologii Ogród Nadziei, firmy Roche oraz Fundacji J&S. W albumie tym zawarte są zdjęcia autorstwa p.Izy Moczarnej-Pasiek pokazujące kobiety w czasie chemioterapii oraz ich opowieści o walce z rakiem piersi. Zdanie, które mnie zaszokowało:
“są kobiety, które NIE decydują się na leczenie w obawie przed utratą włosów”.

Biorąc pod uwagę fakt, że rak piersi to najczęstsza przyczyna śmierci kobiet spośród wszystkich nowotworów daje to obraz poważnego problemu społecznego, którego wagę trzeba uświadamiać nam wszystkim.

I właśnie dziś rano przeczytałem informację w jednym z biuletynów, które trafiają do mojej skrzynki email o bardzo ciekawej akcji w Wlk. Brytanii związanej z Miesiącem Świadomości Raka Piersi. Fundacja Breast Cancer Care nawiązała współpracę z firmą AskJeeves [wyszukiwarka popularna w UK] i zaprojektowany został nowy layout strony wyszukiwarki:

Specjalny layout strony AskJeeves

Działania edukacyjne wsparte są wieloma narzędziami do angażowania odbiorców: można zamieścić swoje podziękowania, ściągnąć specjalną skórkę, czy aplikację do przeglądarki. Przygotowano również quizzy, a Jevees będzie się wypowiadał w mediach społecznościowych: Facebook i Twitter w temacie edukacji raka piersi.

Cel finansowy akcji to sześciocyfrowa darowizna na rzecz Breast Cancer Care wygenerowana przez użytkowników AskJeeves.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

The Demise of Social Media

I think I follow something like 20 or 30 different blogs.  You never know when someone will write something that will impact your thinking or how you view the world.   This article is one of those times.  The title of the blog post is “The Demise of Social Media.”  Immediately, I bet you read that title and say “oooooh,” – I did too.  Read the article, I’m sure it’ll make you think a little.

The article comes from a blog entitled Man of Depravity.  It is written by Tyler Braun, a 24 year old seminary student.  Enjoy the article!

The Demise of Social Media

A Different View of the Internet

As we approached the 21st century, our world was “globalized” and entered the Information Age. At the same time, the word “Internet” was added to almost all vocabularies of every persons. Communication became much easier, research efforts were lightened and we really saw the world in a different angle. But still, it was not only for educational and business purposes that the internet was developed. Great minds developed networking services that made us really closer with our family and friends. E-mail (electronic mail) and instant messaging softwares were created for long-distance communication that benefited overseas workers to connect with their family and friends. Then, in midst of the internet revolution, social networks came.

As Wikipedia would define it,  “A social network service focuses on building online communities of people who share interests and/or activities, or who are interested in exploring the interests and activities of others. Most social network services are web based and provide a variety of ways for users to interact, such as e-mail and instant messaging services.” Social networks became popular especially for teenagers and young adults. Popular social networks includes Facebook, Friendster, MySpace, Hi5. Micro blogs like Twitter, Plurk and Tumblr also caught the attention of the global social networking market.

It is very amazing that in less than a decade, modern social networking accounts rose from basically nothing to a whopping multi-million number of accounts. For example, Facebook, which was created only in February 2004, now has more than 300 million active users worldwide. Also, MySpace which was launched in 2003 now has approximately 100 million active users worldwide. In a short span of time, these websites grew into overwhelming sizes. The big question is: how did social networking grew very large in a short span of time?

Many things can possibly attract people to social networking. First, social networking  is an easy and convenient way to communicate. It is not only that one can write to each other, but a user can also upload pictures and videos to share with his or her friends. Also, websites like Facebook also comes with quizzes and games, making the networking experience easier and interactive. Lastly, with blogs and micro blogs, one can share his or her thoughts. Social networks really do showcase huge amounts of applications to use and interact. We Filipinos are famous for our love for social networking. Friendster is majorly occupied by users from the Philippines. Maybe socializing is just a Filipino love.

But still, be warned that social networks still possess major privacy dangers. One can be a victim of identity theft, hacking or invasion of privacy. Be cautious of posting pictures for one can be a victim of “posers”, people who posts pictures not belonging to them. Make sure not to post sensitive photos because they can also be used for black mailing.

To sum all things up, social networks are really fun to have. Even I maintain 5 accounts. But still, be careful of posting stuff in your account. Privacy is our right, and no one is to invade it. The internet is a very handy thing to have, but everything has its limitations.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Can You Fill This Out Without Being Annoying? (No)

Can you fill this out without lying? You’ve been tagged, so now you need to answer all the questions HONESTLY. At the end, choose at least 8 people to be tagged. Don’t forget to tag me!

To do this, copy this entire message, then go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, start a new note, paste these instructions in the body of the note, delete my answers, and type yours. Easy!

Next, tag 8 people (in the right hand corner of the app). Click publish (at the bottom). Have fun!

1. What was the last thing you put in your mouth? A .38 special. Don’t ask.

2. Where was your profile picture taken? Only Hello Kitty can tell you that.

3. Can you play Guitar Hero? Who is that?

4. Name someone who made you laugh today? Glenn Beck.

5. How late did you stay up last night and why? I still haven’t gone to bed: watching Glenn Beck marathon.

6. If you could move somewhere else, would you? I would move my bowels.

7. Ever been kissed under fireworks? Yes: his name was Lefty.

8. Which of your Facebook friends lives closest to you? That would be my husband except I am planning to unfriend him because certain parts of my life need to remain private (i.e. that I suck at BrainBone)

9. Do you believe ex’s can be friends? I’m sure if they all got together they would get on famously.

10. How do you feel about Dr Pepper? I am currently suing him for malpractice, so not very favorably.

11. When was the last time you cried really hard? This morning (still watching Glenn Beck).

12. Who took your profile picture? What is it with you and your profile picture obsession? I told you, ask Hello Kitty!

13. Who was the last person you took a picture of? Ok, seriously, you need to get some therapy to deal with your photography fixation.

14. Was yesterday better than today? No. Yesterday is still in a time-out for being naughty.

15. Can you live a day without TV? Well I wouldn’t DIE without it. Could you be more hyperbolic?

16. Are you upset about anything? Yes: I could really use more Glenn Beck in my life.

17. Do you think relationships are ever really worth it? Worth what? $17?

18. Are you a bad influence? No, I am really good at influencing badly.

19. Night out or night in? Pantsless.

20. What items could you not go without during the day? Need I say it? Glenn Beck. Also, rawhide.

21. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? Well, if I was in the hospital I couldn’t really go visit someone, now could I?

22. What does the last text message in your inbox say? It was an invitation to visit I took a break from the site to complete this questionnaire.

23. How do you feel about your life right now? Mandy Patinkin is dreamy!

24. Do you hate anyone? Yes: the photo obsessed nazi who came up with this thing.

25. If we were to look in your FaceBook inbox, what would we find messages about? Should I just handover my social security number right now too?

26. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass? Why, yes, if of course you were not testing for GHB, methamphetamine, heroin, or Flinstones’ Chewable Vitamins.

27. Has anyone ever called you perfect before? Usually when people call me I assume they get all the numbers in the correct order so I would say that is perfect.

28. What song is stuck in your head? If I had something stuck in my head I would be at the ER getting it surgically removed instead of sitting here, wouldn’t I? Duh.

29. Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m., who do you want it to be? The tooth fairy.

30. Wanna have grandkids before you’re 50? Sure! Do you have any for sale?

31. Name something you have to do tomorrow: Finish this long-ass questionnaire. Or maybe take a photo. You would like that, wouldn’t you?

32. Do you think too much or too little? I don’t drink nearly enough.

33. Do you smile a lot? Yes, especially while watching someone whose first initial is Glenn and last initial is Beck.


There was a poll revoked from face book recently.  To that I ask of the deluded author: what the fuck is wrong with you?

Sir, these days, if you haven’t noticed, people aren’t as grounded as they used to be.  They’re shaken, they’re stirred, they’re having problems thinking and they’re confused.  They see death panels in universal health care and overlook that we have been living and dying under death panels for too many years (when you have no insurance and no income; your trip to the doctor is usually on a gurney in a hospital after you’ve fallen unconscious – trust me, it’s the medical plan I’ve lived with for years).  They’re using words like socialism because they were enchanted by disingenuous members of the GOP that if they weren’t going to get their way, it was what we were headed to.  Come 100 days into a new administration, these leaders and their pundits stoke the flames with cries stating that they’re disenfranchised because they’ve been asked to contribute a little more wealth to a country that’s been overburdened with wars, whose citizens have been stripped of their jobs and homes as a result of a demoralized financial system, thrown into utter chaos as a result of this system they claimed worked just fine.  They’re contributing to fear and paranoia of crowds who come to political rallies donned with firearms and crossed arms who are near their wits end trying to figure it all out and you have the audacity to exercise your freedom of speech by casting a casual spark?

You, are an ass.  I’m certain you’re hard at work, feverishly brewing up some bullshit to serve because I’m also certain in the days to come, you’ll soak up every opportunity to be seen and interviewed by the press.  You’re remedyis to look yourself in the mirror daily and ask yourself “whose our favorite little attention whore?  You are!  YES you ARE!” Please follow this up with a ritual with which you preface every typed, written, and audible sound with a moment of thought as to whether your next mass statement is socially acceptable.  If you find yourself lost in thought, by all means, seek professional help.